"You know, that means something entirely different."
"Yes, I know."
"So, how was school then?"
"You know. Fine."
Mother and daughter. Always so tender.
Well, it's interesting how easily one has the ability to sum up their day. Not that it may do it justice, but it helps. The simplicity of such a word, summarising the events of my first day back. Yep... it's been interesting.
And a pain. But I can deal with a little struggle.
Half of my school has been knocked down. Away, if you like. The new Arts precinct development will go on throughout my final year and I won't even benefit from it. Despite the fact that it's created a large emptiness on our campus and ruined the comforting atmosphere of the place. Eh, can't win.
So that's one thing that sucks. Another is teachers.
When it comes to the new school year, one of the things that really gets to me is having to turn up and accept the fact that your timetable may host some horrible parties. I guess, I didn't have much to worry about.
While at the same time, there are some issues. There's always a problem, but still.
Teachers are undeniably crucial to the success of my learning and school experience. A crap teacher, for me, results in a disastrous end.
Second semester of last year, I went from the most brilliant and nicest Maths teacher I'd ever had - in which I received an A with - to a horrible, criticising and moronic butch woman. That's harsh? Hardly.
My mum and I did everything in our power to influence who I was able to get for Maths this year. It was pretty much all for nothing. I have the same horrid lady again. AND for my final year.
But again, when I think about it. It can't be all that bad. She doesn't have anything against me, especially in comparison to many other students and despite her shit teaching methods, I understand how she does things now. She knows me and hopefully it won't be all that bad. Unless she's become worse and developed a hollow loathing towards me.
...Yea. I pray that isn't the case.
English teacher is nice enough. Seems like a decent teacher and he's fairly focused. My art teacher I know quite well. Had him last year and known him throughout middle school. No problems there. Same with my Classics teacher.
Then there's my IPP teacher. The subject encompasses processing, graphics, design and web development. That sort of thing. All fine, except all the computing teacher at my school happen to either be creepy, idiotic or a downright pedophiliac. Seems unbelievable. But I'm completely serious. The teacher is okay, from what I can gather. At the moment, not much can be said.
It's very difficult for me to step into my stride at the start of the year. I'm hardly the sort of person who hits the ground running, despite how much I try to convince myself that I have the ability to. At the same time, it's become easier and being in Yr 12 helps. We're definitely one step ahead of everyone else. I simply hope this year becomes something to reflect pleasingly upon. There is trust and hope in such a thought.
Slight sunburn lines my nose and cheeks from standing in the sun, catching up with friends. I'm much too sensitive to the sun and it's not good for me (Erg. Mild heatstroke). Mind you, I'm sensitive to everything and everyone.
Work still to be done for tomorrow. I guess I should say; bring it on.