Title: Vengeance
xraex21 Beta:
smartyshortie , all mistakes are my own though.
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Catherine/Sara
Disclaimer: I own neither of these lovely characters nor the world they play in.
Spoilers: Well it turns out everything is fair game in this one. I kind of went for broke.
Summary: My response to
cathandsara 's Week 2 Challenge: Vengeance
Rating: PG
Today Catherine Willows was feeling more than a tad vengeful. She was letting the thoughts of causing her enemy severe discomfort keep her pulse high in her throat. They didn’t know all that she had suffered; the team was blissfully unaware of the struggles she had gone through leading them. They were fractured, incomplete. Once Grissom walked out everything had started to fall apart. She was the last one left who could try and keep them together. She had done everything that she could think of to keep the few pieces of their family with one another. Ultimately it had not been enough and judging by the report Riley had left, the broken team had been her fault. How could Riley think that? She hadn’t known what they had been. She hadn’t known what it was like to work with Grissom, Sara, Warrick, Greg, and Nick all together. The way they had feed off of each other’s creative energy. The way they had healed each other’s wounds when cases became too much and their loved ones at home deserted them. No one, but the members of the original Night Shift knew what they had been capable of and what they had meant to one another. The person who ruined it all was going to feel a bit of her rage and pain, even if it was indirectly given. Today Catherine Willows was going on the hunt.
The shirt she had chosen to wear to work was just low enough to make Greg cry with want and just high enough for her not to get her fired. It’s all about the angles, she has control. She chose who got to see what or in this case who was unfortunate enough to get a show. This was punishment in its purest form. Her prey can look, but they can’t touch.
She knows what hunger looks like, because she used to make a living off controlling that hunger. She fed off the blatant gazes of desire and the uncomfortable tension when she walked into a room. It has just been a week since Sara Sidle had walked back into their lives like nothing over the last few years had happened. Like she hadn’t left them worried, hadn’t toyed with Grissom, and like Warrick hadn’t died. Catherine knew it wasn’t fair to blame Sara for Warrick’s death, but she was angry that the brunette hadn’t been with their family when it had happened. She was angry that the younger woman hadn’t stayed after the funeral. Most importantly she was angry that the girl’s selfishness had taken Grissom away from them, had left her all alone with a desolate lab to lead. Nick and Greg had tried, but it wasn’t the same. Their family was gone; it had left with Sara when she had gone the first time. Sara had led them away from the warmth of the Vegas lights, away from the warmth of their combined love. Sara had left them in a desert of her own creation, separated and alone.
If Sara Sidle and all her gloom had stayed none of this would have happened, their family would have stayed whole. She would have stayed whole. Now Sidle was back like nothing had ever happened and for the sake of the team Catherine was willing to let it go. She’d let it all go, eventually. The anger and hurt still gnawed at her though. She had to let it out somehow, but she wasn’t about to give Ecklie a chance to further separate the team. So she didn’t have a choice but to get creative.
Catherine knew what hunger looked like; she had seen it directed her way all her life. She knew the look of lust and she knew how to draw it out of someone letting it become all consuming. She was the boss now, she had the control and Sara Sidle was going to suffer.