i have had a head ache all day and it is making me bitchy.
i love this song ^-^ *floats* hmmmmm.......
almost done with QOTD. about 20 more pages to go.
i'll put pictures up of the caving trip tomorrow.
Friday at 1, my brother, mike, and dad came to pick me. i kissed Buddy good bye and we drove to jimmy's house to pick up mark and karly. turns out alyssa didnt want to go. Ebony is sooo grey and fat now, hehe (jimmy's dog. she's a black lab) sooo we loaded their stuff into the van n took off. took us 5 hours to reach St. Louis. we listened to CD's the whole way there. when we got there, we check into the hotel and went out to dinner at Pizza Slut's (LMFAO!!!) thenn we got back to the hotel and jimmy n steve weren't there yet, n neither was paul or jake, so we went to this Fun Place right behind our hotel n we drove go-carts for an hour n a half n did bumper cars too. but they weren't cars, they were straight-backed, two stick-shifts bumper cars. u could spin around in them real fast. sweeet 8) ne wayz, when i was on the go-cart track, this fruity blonde haired dude cut in front of me n was swerving so i couldnt pass him up, and he was there with his black-boyfriend (seriously) and they kept staring at me all dumbfounded so i gave them the 'evil-eye' and told them to look ahead or i would bump them so hard they're engines would fuse. so they stopped ^-^
after all that fun, around 11:00 we went back to the hotel room and watched family guy and played Halo 2 for half an hour. i kept talking like Cartmen (sp?) "kiiiick assh". thennn steven n jimmy finally got there and not long after that paul and jake got there too. so we divided up the rooms: paul, jake, mike, and ben were to share on. jimmy, steven, mark, and wesley were to share the other. and karly and i would get our own :-D that worked out nicely. so we went to bed cuz it was 1:00 in the morning, but karly and i couldnt sleep so we talked till 2.
Saturday, we woke up at 6:00, got dressed n clean, packed up our stuff, ate breakfast at the hotel, and drove to the caverns. got there, got on our gear, and headed down. the stairwell was like completely vertical so we had to walk side-ways down. it was real dark and wet down there and tight. when we got down into the tunnel that led to the caverns, it was sooo narrow it was almost impossible to get through some places. (note!: Jake broke his collarbone during soccer practice so he's goin through this stuff with one arm! he's such a trooper ^-^) went through that tunnel for about 10 minutes, got to the caverns, and headed to the left. we walked for about 20 minutes till we found a water fall, and above that was a tunnel! so me, mark, steven, karly, mike, ben, and jake had to be lifted into the tunnel and went through that for a loong time. it was so effing awesome! you had to crawl on your stomach above the river that flowed out of it cuz it was real deep on these slabs of stone. but my head lamp's strap snapped so we had to turn back. the water was about 3 feet deep so it got into our boots and all that happy stuff -_- damn steven, he bought these fishing boots that went up past his knees so he didnt get any water in 'em.we went through alot of tunnels and through the caverns. there was rivers in there, waterfalls, stalagtites and stalagmites, pointy rocks sticking out of the ground, and this whole cavern is about a few miles long, not including all the tunnels that lead to other tunnels. i felt like i was a troll! lol.we ate lunch down there too. it was awesome :) there was one point where ben and i went above the normal path about 20 feet, walking along on the stone there. it got too slippery, so we had to jump down into the river. i was so afraid that i would run into the jagged stones on the other side if i lost my balance, so i was stuck up there for like 5 minutes till i finally found the courage to jump down. and vois la! i was fine! just got drenched completely in water and tons of water in my boots =) then we had to leave because the place closes at 2:30.
altogether, it was awesome. i would go back there anytime, and we're going back hopefully this summer!! YESH!!!! we went into the caverns at 7:00 in the morning, and came out 2:13 in the afternoon 8D it all went by so fast though. i still cant believe it's sunday, heh. the drive back, we were all so exhausted we slept the whole way home practically.
i had an awesome time going, lots of good people i know and love went with me and well had a good time =)