haha u sick...haha..alright so you said to make you happy ...i tell you a jk.. so there this hot chick driving her car in the west it runs out a gas so she polls over and asked a indian to give a ride on his horse to the nearest gas station so she hopes on the horse and every bump the india yells ...so once they get there she hopes off the horse and the indian yells really load and the gas station worker asked what did u do to make the indian so happy she say i don't know i was just holdong on to the front of his sadle and he was just happy...the gas station man goes mama indians don't have sadles.
Comments 6
there this hot chick driving her car in the west it runs out a gas so she polls over and asked a indian to give a ride on his horse to the nearest gas station so she hopes on the horse and every bump the india yells ...so once they get there she hopes off the horse and the indian yells really load and the gas station worker asked what did u do to make the indian so happy she say i don't know i was just holdong on to the front of his sadle and he was just happy...the gas station man goes mama indians don't have sadles.
- George
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