Title: My Wired Life [1/1]
ryuutsukiPairing(s): HaeHyuk,hinted! KyuMin
Genre(s): Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): slight use of language, character death
Word Count: 4,975
Disclaimer & Author's Note: The story is only mine. And to
sapphireariana...sorry this took so long ._.
Summary: After getting rejected multiple times followed by an incurable illness, Eunhyuk
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Comments 41
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Yaa, poor Hyukkie D:
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Hyuk never gave up on Hae no matter what his friends say. Too bad they weren't able to spend time together.
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how could you Lee Donghae???
I mean who's the idiot gonna reject hyuk???oh I forgot you are the father of the biggest idiot!!!!!!
you reject him thrice?????oh my!!!!!!I wanna see you suffer for your whole life!!!!!!
but yeah I'm glad you're not that stupid actually
at least you confess back to him and why did you have to die hyuk????
thanks for writing and sharing
p/s:I have nothing against lee donghae *those words come out of unstable mind kekeke/don't mind me*
Hae's a meanie but he eventually loves Hyuk.
Ehh...about Hyuk dying...it was part of the prompt ^^
Thanks for reading and commenting <333
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Would you accept me kneeling to you, begging for forgiveness? :O
-GLOMPS BACK- And long time no see, Val! Miss you soooo so so sososososososososoooo much!
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Hae's a turned man in the end :O...but yeah, I wouldn't either :P
O_O Ho snap, half an hour? Was it because of the amount of classes you're taking? If you only sleep for that long, go to sleep right now! Or when you get home if you're still out D: It's the weekend, after all, so take the opportunity while you still can ;~;
I've been out of LJ myself, looking for a purpose in life (still)...but yes, I've been good. Going to someone's wedding tomorrow with my mum and grandma (even though I don't know anyone there >_>;)
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