Why am I feeling pretentious? I just got my official schedule for next year, and damn am I excited.
CHEM 119: General Accelerated Chemistry
ENGL 260: Survey of African-American Literature (which fulfills 3 separate Gen-Ed requirements).
PHYS 310: Quantum Mechanics (very exciting).
MATH 300: Foundations of Algebra
PHYS 340: Optics
CHEM 370: Chemical Dynamics
PHYS 330: Advanced Laboratory
MATH 515: Theory of Computation. X-Listed as CMSC 515.
PHYS 520: Plasma Physics.
So basically I'm really excited because I've got 2 500-level courses lined up, and because of the two spring-term physics courses I'll be one (1) course away from my physics major by the end of my sophomore year. That's right... I'll only need one more class to complete the major at the time I need to declare a major. That and I'll be one course away from a Mathematics minor as well, and I'll be within 3 courses of a CompSci minor.