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Comments 7

glass_houses January 20 2004, 18:19:41 UTC
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Tarebear. It's cute!
2. Am I lovable? Yes.
3. How long have you known me? Erm.. hm, how long ago. Since you were johnyknoxvile182, lol!
4. When and how did we first meet? In an rpg chatroom on AOL.
5. What was your first impression? I dunno! You were obviously cool.
6. Do you still think that way about me now? Oh yes.
7. What do you think my weakness is? Cute boys! lol and tattoos (used to be piercings more, but I think you sort of outgrew that?)
8. Do you think I'll get married? Yes.
9. What makes me happy? Cute things.
10. What makes me sad? :'(
11. What reminds you of me? Lots of things.
12. If you could give me anything what would it be? A puppy. :') But you've already got one! (Dutchess <333 ( ... )


kelbel308 January 20 2004, 19:30:47 UTC
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Tarpher, because it sounds like Topher. :*D
2. Am I lovable? Yes.
3. How long have you known me? Ummm for a while now. Ever since you had that screen name bonemeaj? I think it was 4 years ago?
4. When and how did we first meet? In nsyncrp, or bsbrp. :x lolol <33 ( ... )


xsecrets_tiedx January 20 2004, 19:48:39 UTC
16. Do you think I could kill someone? YES! You're going to kill Pierre's girlfriend, because like, he is so yours! No, I don't think you could, lol.

LyKe OmG!!! YeW ArE Zo RiGhT!!! If I KaNt KiLL hEr..I'LL JuSt KiLL MySeLf CuZ LyKe I KaNT LoZe HiM!!!! HeS MINE. He'z ThE oNLy PeRsOn I EvEr LuuffEd!!!!

lol i <3 you ;D


kelbel308 January 20 2004, 19:53:08 UTC
LyK u 2 wErE so MeAnT tO bE! He LUvz yOu, eVen THoUgH dOnt EvEn KnO YeW! LyK yEaH!

I love you too! :*D


xsecrets_tiedx January 20 2004, 20:01:03 UTC
lmfao <3


aquastar05 January 20 2004, 19:58:47 UTC
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it ( ... )


wtfdoyousell April 20 2006, 02:15:17 UTC
Hey, I'm just wondering if you ever got a paypal account and if that xbox/controller/halo deal was still up for grabs? Thanks.


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