I need help :*(

Jan 11, 2004 17:41

I had a bad head ache today,so I didnt go out to Circuit City. I'll go tomorrow. :X Im gonna call them in a little while to see if they;re even hiring ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

kelbel308 January 11 2004, 15:07:53 UTC
Who is not helping you? What do you need help with? I can try and help you with what you need help with.

Wow that's a lot of help's. :x



xsecrets_tiedx January 11 2004, 16:10:45 UTC
some girl I asked..and she said she was busy...so whatever

and I need help with starting a website....or looking for someone to make one...yeah something like that..



kelbel308 January 11 2004, 16:15:37 UTC
Ew, I wish I was good at making websites. I would defintely help you if I was. As you can see my website is crappy... lol. I know someone who is good at websites, but um.. that's Georgina. :-x


kelbel308 January 11 2004, 16:19:47 UTC
Maybe if you go through communities and ask if anyone is good at that stuff. I'm sure you'll find a few people. ;)


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