Obligatory Halo 3 post

Sep 26, 2007 08:48

ZOMG GAME IS AMAZING!!!!! hahaha no really, I flippin love this game, and the ending could not have been more fitting to the trilogy. but anyway, main reason of this post is to show some flippin SWEET screens of me and tiff playing through the campaign.

I guess for clarity's sake, I was driving, and Tiff was on the turret in the back. The person is the passenger seat was just some random Marine NPC. We like to bring them along for whatever reason, even though they dont seem to help much. I like the comments they make :D

This is what happens a lot when I drive. Uh, in game that is. I like to run into as many things and enemies as possible. This is me ramming into a "Brute Chopper", which is sort of a motorcycle type thing. It was pestering us so we got rid of it :P We survived this one thankfully.

We finally take down the scarab, only we REALLY don't like walking anywhere, so Tiff goes running back to the warthog to try to save it, even though the scarab is about to blow at any second.

And it explodes. Tiff and the warthog are in the lower left of the big explosion

And she's made it!!!! Haha notice the dust coming off the tires on the warthog, she was backing up as fast as she could. Good god that was freaking epic :D

Edit: just noticed the Marine hopping out of the Warthog in this last shot, as if saying "FUCK THIS!!!"

And then we honestly spent about 5 minutes just sitting there laughing about it in disbelief. This game is too much fun, and being able to finally take screenshots of gameplay and uploading them to the intarwebs from the 360 is probably one of the greatest thing ever.


Editted: Didn't know them damn screens were THAT big. holy shit. And thanks to me just reformatting my hard drive, I have no way to resize them right now until I reinstall all my apps. Oh well. everything goes under a cut then.
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