As is my custom, I haven't posted anything here in ages. However, I still remember proper LJ etiquette, so the rest of the post will be cut. See below.
I suppose a lot has happened since my last update. As far as WoW goes, I'm on a new server in a new guild, due to some cumulative grievances with my former guild. Things have been working out well, for the most part. From a progression standpoint, the new guild is definitely superior, running two Karazhan groups, both of which are capable of clearing up to and including Shade of Aran. As with any guild, however, it's sometimes tough to secure a spot in said raids, especially since I'm an lolrogue with no group utility whatsoever. But, as the new server is PvE, I am able to level my alt whenever I choose to without fear of getting wtfpwned every 20 minutes by a bored Alliance jackass.
Blizzard is suppose to be announcing the existence of a new game this month. As is expected, there's much speculation as to what it could be. Some think it's the next WoW expansion, while others believe it to be Starcraft 2, or even a Starcraft MMO. Honestly, if Blizzard pulled off making a decent Starcraft MMO (that wasn't WoW with different character models) I'd leave WoW for it in a heartbeat. But only if I got to play as a Hydralisk.
In non game-related news, the academic year, for me, is officially over as of today. One more year of college done and over with, one more to go. This summer looks like its shaping up to be much like the last: I'll still be working at Movie Gallery and the Computer Center. A friend of mine, Sid, sorta-kinda offered me a job doing some JavaScript/PHP/XHTML coding for Insyt New Media, the company he works for. I emailed him, telling him I'd be interested, but haven't heard back as of yet. If I do end up getting hired over there, there's a very good possibility I will be leaving Movie Gallery.
July is approaching sooner than we think, and that means the wedding is not far off. Maria and I have just about everything in order. We just sent out a whole slew of formal invitations, so expect to see those coming soon. If you don't get one and wish to attend, let one of us know that we overlooked you.
And, as summer is now officially here, it's time again for me to pretend like I have the motivation to get some exercise and stop being a fat kid. Maybe it'll actually happen this time, but don't hold your breath.