today was a good day. good day, good people. stretch class was the devil. yeah sayer, dont go. show saturday maybe? i really hope so. BIG D TUESDAY. yeeeeeeeeeeeah.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm. stomach is still tingling. grossssssssssssssssssssss.
butterflies in my stomach. this is SO gross. what the fuck is wrong with me? its just a stupid crush. a stupid crush that wont leave me alone.i feel like a little school girl: "do you like me? check yes or no" hahaha i am such an idiot. i cant help it.
so last night. hung out with tim. what a cool fucking guy. it was neat, we havent hung out in awhile.
today i saw white noise. scared the shit out of me. but it was cool. then i went to the gym. then i came home and found bradley! he is like my child. i love him.