So hard to remain sunny when all you see is rain clouds

Jul 29, 2009 09:48

Monday I was trying to start the week off on a different foot. I have just been down and surly about an assortment of things. Money,work,girl friend, family, my car, moving etc etc etc. I am just tired of trying to dig out of this hole and feeling like I am never getting anywhere. Monday was a pretty great day until I got in a car wreck. It wasn't ( Read more... )

car wreck, shitty days, 420, moving, travel

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Comments 8

6_of_one July 29 2009, 16:26:05 UTC
you are surprised?
you two haven't gotten along the greatest from the beginning, yet you two keep continuing to dig yourselves deeper into a hole that you can't crawl out of. you two have been on again and off again MORE times then i have been in relationships. if your together once and u break up- it happens for a reason... don't bother trying to get back together. if u were meant to be together... you would never have broken up. Instead... because you are both within your comfort zone... its easy to just stick with what you know.

Do whats right vs whats easy.


ash61780 July 29 2009, 17:15:34 UTC
I was going to say I think you passed the "dating" status long ago. If it doesn't make you happy, you move on. It's not like you're married. You don't have to split the assets or the children, etc. You say 'hey, I gave it my best shot and this just isn't in my best interest anymore.' Being comfortable shouldn't be a reason to stay.


ash61780 July 29 2009, 17:17:10 UTC
And you know normally I wouldn't comment on something like this, but I've had my fair share of staying in relationships because I thought I could make them work. You can't carry the whole thing by yourself Pappi, and you shouldn't have to.



6_of_one July 29 2009, 22:53:26 UTC
Hey she just removed me from the friends list. LOL. it wasnt anything against her. infact i didnt even say anything bad about her. I quite like her as a person. However, truth is the truth.

No point in beating around the bush... you two clash like an old man in hot pink shorts with black socks pulled up to his knees and white velcro tennis shoes...

doesnt mean either of you are bad people. it just means you are bad for each other.


mlesassafrass August 2 2009, 21:33:27 UTC
I wish i could give you a hug and maybe kick jake...


6_of_one August 4 2009, 03:33:09 UTC
Riley can always depend on me for the truth. unlike his unrealistic friends who tend to sugar coat things and blow stuff off (just as he does most of the time) But when it is all said and done, the truth will set you free.

Riley needs to learn to do what's right vs what's easy.

and his 'friends' who enable him are only hurting him in the long run.

This comment is not up for discussion. It is what it is. Again the truth.


mlesassafrass August 4 2009, 12:43:52 UTC
it's not a matter of sugar coating things, it's a matter of you being a dick in a public forum where you know she is going to read it. maybe some of his real friends like to address his problems with him in not such a fucking public way. you on the other hand just like the drama. you always have, no wonder you and kalib got along so well.

i just don't see the need for you to set out to hurt c's feelings on purpose and to me thats exactly what it looked like you were doing.

try not to be such a dick next time jacob and maybe more people would listen to your 'truth' as you put it.


6_of_one August 4 2009, 15:07:07 UTC
well that settles it, obviously you know know NOTHING about about me.

whoever led you to believe that kalib an I got along 'so well' has lied to you good. Kalib and I didn't get along good. which is why he was homeless days after moving here.

and I wasnt being a dick. I said NOTHING bad about her at all.
So apparently your interpreting skills need to be sharpened.

Im addressing his problems in HIS journal. If I were addressing HIS problems in HER journal, THAT would make me a dick.

Drama? I feel there is no drama, in fact the ONLY person making drama from this seems to be you. If you knew me you would know that I am just about 100% drama free, i loathe drama.

But that's it. I already said this wasnt up for discussion.
just don't come back acting like you know me. I don't talk about you like I know you, so you should just quit.


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