its funny how i cut my hair 4 inches shorter, and yet im still copying her. am i not allowed to get hair cuts? am i not allowed to do ANYTHING? please dont post annonymous in my journal, and please...just...bah im glad i have a hate-club.
well, I guess its good that you like it because no one else does. Marc was right, you do look like a fucking animated character, but not one of those cute ones like Unico, more like one of those retarded kids that the care bears always had to come down and help? oh yea, arent you a fucking badass. way to go on stealing a stop sign. next time why dont you steal a "lets help a retarded kid" sign. and you are copying sara booth. why dont you try and do something actually cool on your own without seeing the way that someone else does it. thats not even cool. that means when boys look at you, they dont think YOU'RE Hot, they think who you got it from is hot. I bet you posted the first one because it looks like your name is sara. get a fucking life.
>>>so i dont get it, shes always copying sara or doing someting the sara does or always wants to be sara... u dont think its possible that someone can come up with ideas on their own. everyones always copying the next person well obviously everyones just copying everyone so that makes sara booth unoriginal too, get the fuck over it i hate u! i also dont see why u must put someone down, i hope it makes u feel cool because thats what u are, ur cool, thats why u put people down. so congratulations on being cool, im glad u have nothing better to do then concentrate that hard on making someone feel like shit. game over.
Hey, I added you to my friends list. I hope you don't mind. Add me back if you want to. I love your hair, is that your natural color? It's so preettyy.
Personally i like it and why would OTHER people get haircuts and not want people to be like them! It doesnt matter...... if this chic has a prob with it then she can talk to her not all of yall!
Comments 55
yes its my natural color, except for 4 or 5 small bleached chunks and the black.
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