So, there's this lovely topic of Wincest, right? And I know there are many different opinions on the subject...some like it, some hate it, some love and worship the idea. I figure I should explain my thoughts and feelings about, for anyone who wants to know...
I'm not a fan of wincest, however, with that said I feel I should add that I don't mind it.
Okay, so the idea of two know...I'm not for that. Yeah, ew...
But with Sam and Dean, I find their slashly expeditions to be amusing and I don't know why. All their little quips, and "implied" situations...I find humor in. So, I don't really read wincest slash, probably will never write it...but if you're for it, that's cool, I'll tag along for a laugh because Sam and Dean (or Jared and Jensen) are so adorable together, although I prefer in the brotherly sense by far. And if you're against wincest, that's cool, too. I definitely understand why people wouldn't be. Basically, I'm on the fence, but leaning more against wincest than anything else.
I have to mention that I think the title of "wincest" is clever, and when I first heard it I laughed out loud.
So, why'd this topic come up? Well, off in my distant land of the icon-kingdom, I did end up making a few "wincesty" icons...just because I found them to be funny.
I don't understand why I feel this way about wincest, and I don't know if it's good or bad, but it is my opinion. Wincest, on a mild level, is hilarious sometimes- and that's all.
Now I feel it important that I strongly emphasize that more than anything, the brotherly relationship between brothers (or two male guys, typically one more dominant than the other) is now and will always be my absolute favorite "genre" if I can lable it like that...I love brothers, particularly Sam and Dean, and when they're JUST brothers is my favorite.
Okay, I started all this rambling and now I'm going to miss American Idol...
If anyone would like, feel free to share your opinions on Wincest. I wouldn't mind hearing them. Just, don't flame me for having mine, okay? :D