Re: I uh...*ahem*...hmm...143..whatever...twitchypassionNovember 2 2006, 23:54:29 UTC
I always read those outloud, er in my head, as "ex dee" like, always. Until like a year ago I didn't get what it was trying to be. I was trying to think of what "XD" could stand for, and why it was so widely used. XtremelyDelighted, perhaps? In conclusion, screw you, you're the loser.
108. Pretty good. I won't take up space listing all the ones I've seen and not seen. I totally agree with your sentiments on a couple, like Jeepers Creepers especially. And weren't we all in love with Oliver Wood? And I haven't seen Labyrinth either, in fact, never even heard of it.
Good taste in TV, good taste in music, good taste in movies... honestly, why can't I know people like you in real life?
Comments 6
Just kidding XD (congrats, that's the first time I've ever used that 'smiley'...guess that's what it is, lol.)
Good taste in TV, good taste in music, good taste in movies... honestly, why can't I know people like you in real life?
And you're right, we were all probably in love with Oliver.
By the way, I made the icon I'm using now via inspiration from our good tastes, lol. Couldn't help myself. So thanks for the inspiration, as well.
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