Happy New Year everyone!
I'll have an update to You Are My Home later this afternoon once I finish cleaning up my house. I ended up having a lot of time to plan it last night. (Mountain Dew Voltage and whipped cream vodka is not conductive to sleeping so after everyone else at my house had fallen asleep I was awake for quite a while and spent that time plotting but it is delicious.)
It seems so very strange when I realize that I've only been writing Doctor Who fanfics since September (and only started watching Doctor Who roughly a year ago now, I think I started in January actually). But considering I've somehow managed to write almost 40,000 words through various one-shots, my Paris 'verse, and the Victorian Au (which according to whofic is at roughly 25,000 words right now. How on earth did that happen?) I guess I shouldn't be that surprised that it feels to me like I've been writing a lot longer. I don't think I was ever this productive when I wrote Harry Potter fanfics and I did that for years.
I should probably be talking more about starting grad school (with a full fellowship) or graduating or getting my B.A. last May as the important things that happened this past year but I guess since I've had all that stuff planned out pretty much since before I even graduated from high school it is just sort of something I've always expected to happen so it hasn't phased me that much. I miss living in New York City like crazy though. The university I'm at now is fine but I'm not a college town type of girl. I've got four more semesters there and then one semester of student teaching somewhere before I can move back to Chicago permanently and get an apartment or house with... basically all the people who came over for New Years' Eve, well the ones who slept here anyways.
This coming semester I am going to try to enjoy grad school more and not just because I am far more productive at writing fanfics when I'm at school and have other work I should do instead. xD I think I'm too focused on just getting through it to move on to being a teacher and such and I know I should be trying to focus more on what I'm doing now. It'll be easier this semester since my classes are focused more on my interests (I'm taking a course on teaching the classics, a Latin course where we'll be translating bucolic poetry, and for Ancient Greek I'm taking a course on prose composition which should be really interesting and help me improve my Greek skills a lot and I know I need that, plus TAing for Mythology again which will be easier since I've done it once now, and doing more rigorous Latin tutoring for a couple undergrad students).
I don't precisely have any New Years' Resolutions this year. I rarely bother to make them. But I intend to try to figure out how many more chapters there will be in YAMH and get those done in fairly good time. I am determined to finish that... and then probably start some sort of sequel since I am loving this series too much. xD I also will get back to my series about Rose dimension hopping. I've been meaning to get back into that but realistically I don't think I'll be able to focus on it until after YAMH is done. Honestly I knew very little about the Victorian period aside from having a fascination with the style of dress before I got into writing this so I've been having to do a lot of research though fortunately getting help with anything related to Scottish Victorian culture from my amazing friend
nachalainneso it has been taking up the majority of my focus of late. I should have set this in Ancient Greece or Rome instead, it would have been far easier for me, but really I've been greatly enjoying writing this even though it's sometimes a lot of work.
I could keep rambling for ages but I think I just need to take a nap and then I'll the mental capacity to do this next chapter justice.