Name: Vicki
Age: 14
Location: Beachwood, New Jersey
Birthday: November 26, 1990
Status: Single.
Gender: Female
Orientation [Homo/Hetero/Bi]: Hetero
Put the LJ name of the person who asked you to come here: __leavemebroken
5+ favorite bands:Senses Fail, Underoath, Taking Back Sunday, From First To Last, Fall Out Boy, From Autumn To Ashes, The Blood Brothers, Armor For Sleep, Hawthorne Heights, Bright Eyes
3+ disliked bands: Well, The oh so popular answers, Good Charlotte and Simple Plan, and Metallica.
3+ favorite movies: The Notebook, Forest Gump, The Endless Summer 1&2, and Waynes World.
Book/s: The Giver, America, and Harry Pooter books ;]
Color/s: Pink and Lime Green
Food/s: Anything Italian and Anything that is along the line of a Taco
Sports: Volleyball, Surfing, Snowboarding, Football.
Shoes (include photo if any): Emericas, DCs, Gallaz, Converses
Personal Info
Average hours online (per day):Oh gosh, uhm, i dont think im ever not online, I usually have my away message up all day, but im not one of those people who does nothing but sit on the computer.
Do you have a myspace? Yes
If yes, insert link here:
Do you drive? Not yet, about 2 more years.
Description/photo of car: Idk what kind of car i want besides a Escalade, which im not going to get, i just want a car that runs.
Pets: A bird and a Cat
Piercings: Only 3, on my ears.
Tattoos: Not at the moment.
Employment: Not yet, hopefully by the summer.
For extra suck up points make us a banner of some sort(optional):
Gay Marriage: Well, im 100% fine with it. I honestly dont see how people can not be fine with it. Love is love, no matter which way you look at it. It's really none of your business who someone wants to love, unless of coruse they make it your business, but i really dont think a Gay couple would wish to discuss their love life with a homophobe.
George Bush: Well, I do like George Bush, but I dont like this war, and yes, I understand that George Bush somewhat created it, but I've had a strong liking for him ever since 9/11. I think he did an amazing job when 9/11 happened. So, i guess im for him but not for some of his choices ? Even though that might not make much sence.
Drugs/Alcohol: It's not for me, i know im only 14, but i dont plan on ever drinking or doing drugs. I just dont see what good it does. I know some people like it, but that's their choice and i dont really mind that, I just say that if you must smoke, just dont do it by me. I may be sXe, but im not one of those hardcore sXe kids who pushes the "sXe way of life" on someone. I used to get mad at my friends for smoking pot and such, but then i realised they weren't listening to me, so now i just try to stay out of it.
Prejudism: Hmm, idk what it is, it sounds like Prejudice, sooo, I think everyone is prejudice about something, what your prejudice about and how far you take it, is what really matters. People have different opinions, thats a fact, no two persons can feel exactly the same about everything. But if your talking about the more popular topics that people are prejudice about, like race and religion then I think its wrong. I don't think people should be discriminated by what they believe or what color their skin is, they were born that way, and they are most likely proud of who they are, and so are we, so just because we are different, doesn't make us wrong.
Abortion: Im not for it, i would never do it, and i dont think anyone ever should. Of course theres always going to be that acception, the girl who was raped and knows she can't support the child, then i guess it's ohkay, because i wouldn't want the child to have a bad life growing up. But if it comes to girls having sex just for fun and that "one time" something happened, then i think they should take full responsibilty.
Now, promote us in 3 communities and 2 journals [or vise-versa] that allow promotions. Insert proof of promo links here (5 total):
Im sorry there is only one community promotion there, but the other communities i was going to promote in had promos for you guys already.
2+ photos of your friends (no links):
Nicole and Me
Ashlyn and Me
3+ photos of yourself (no links):