Hi, I was wondering if you would mind your community, xswaniconsx, being an affiliate with mine, kiediselite. It's a photo-a-day, icon-sharing, all things Kiedis-related community. I was just made moderator/maintainer, and am revamping everything, getting it active, posting almost daily, etc. Basically, I think we have some of the same member-bases, I really like your community, and I think it'd be cool to affiliate with you.
Heyy!! I thought you'd be interested in a challenge forum, where you can enter graphic challenges and share your artwork. It's http://z6.invisionfree.com/GraphicChallenges/. Check it out if you'd like, and it'd be great if you can become a member. Looking forward to seeing you there! =)
Comments 5
Excuse me Can you make a tutorial for these coloring?? Iis really wonderful and amazing!!
Heyy!! I thought you'd be interested in a challenge forum, where you can enter graphic challenges and share your artwork. It's http://z6.invisionfree.com/GraphicChallenges/. Check it out if you'd like, and it'd be great if you can become a member. Looking forward to seeing you there! =)
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