(no subject)

May 28, 2006 09:41

[Current music: Oi! Oi! Oi!//The Exploited. ]

1) Get an A+ on a Math test.
2) Graduate without killing myself.
3) Meet the EBCC in Oakland.
4) Go skydiving.
5) Travel the world [because if I listed all the places I wanted to go, it would take up half the list]
6) Play a show.
7) Learn 5 more instruments and be able to play them well.
8) Burn down this town and watch it burn with Cracker and Beaner.
9) Kick Parker [or Billy]'s ass.
10) Bring in pizza without it getting stolen.
11) Get a real boyfriend.
12) Wake up when my alarm clock rings.
13) Go a week without the computer.
14) Bring down and riot against MTV/MySpace.
15) Get a bigger iPod.
16) Watch Live Freaky! Die Freaky!
17) Be part of the reunion of Blink 182.
18) Bring a [dead] great musician back to life.
19) Go into Abercrombie without running outside to throw up.
20) Find a best friend.
21) Get a dog.
22) Run from the cops with Shantal.
23) See Shantal, Pawel, and Matt go to jail and attempt to bail them out.
24) Meet my idols [all... 20] and have them remember me in some way.
25) Run a mile in 9 minutes and 30 seconds.
26) Learn how to surf.
27) See all the bands I haven't seen play yet.
28) Sing an Anti-Flag song in front of the White House.
29) Be on TV.
30) Write an article for Rolling Stone.
31) Make money by doing something productive.
32) Change someone's life.
33) Be more religious.
34) Overcome my fears.
35) Learn how to use a sewing machine.
36) Get a lipring.
37) Be a hardcore sports fan.
38) Do the trout dance at a ska show.
39) Take a cruise.
40) Bring my dad to New Zealand.
41) Dye my hair purple or green.
42) Go back to Six Flags and ride every single ride.
43) Jump off a waterfall.
44) Shoot a gun.
45) Get laser vision without going blind.
46) Learn how to fix cars.
47) Learn how to do magic tricks.
48) Visit 1 wonder of the world.
49) Have my own mansion with my own rules.
50) Go back to my highschool reunion and evilly laugh at how everyone turned out to be hobos.
51) Meet a hippie.
52) Back up my whole laptop.
53) Go into a record store and be able to buy 50 CDs in one day without going broke.
54) Meet a millionaire.
55) Meet one of my stalkees.
56) Be proven wrong.
57) Climb a tree without killing myself.
58) Fly a plane.
59) Learn how to do a trick on a skateboard.
60) Go to a casino without wasting money.
61) Win an award that counts.
62) Learn how to drive my own car without killing myself.
63) Find out what happened to everyone I ever met.
64) Do something that would change the world.
65) Go streaking through Compton and see if I get shot.
66) Go to a funeral.
67) Fake my death and find out if people cared and mourned me.
68) Remember all the important dates even when I got old.
69) Smoke pot with Bob Marley.
70) See a shooting star and make a wish.
71) Marry a rockstar.
72) Learn how to stop lying.
73) Build a drumset out of mini legos.
74) Babysit Travis Barker's son.
75) Ride in a hot air balloon.
76) Get someone fired.
77) Be honestly nice to someone.
78) Go to a local football game without killing myself.
79) Watch Stick It in the theatres with the 8 girls.
80) Finish my list of things to do before summer vacation 2006.
81) Find out if I really am bi-polar.
82) Find out if Reality TV is actually Reality TV.
83) Save someone's life.
84) Ride in a firetruck.
85) Get FUSE.
86) Break an arm so I can take advantage of people.
87) Share my philosophy with another philosopher.
88) Give my mom a million dollars.
89) Go up to Howie Mandel and harass him until he gives my mom a million dollars.
90) Sword fight another ninja or pirate.
91) Direct a professional movie or a video with Sam Bayer or Tim Burton.
92) Write a novel.
93) Buy a real copy of Kerplunk!
94) Go to a bar and reenact the Holiday scene.
95) Prove Oprah wrong.
96) Say something uncomfortable to a celebrity.
97) Finish Just Friends.
98) Take a roadtrip with Taylor to find Tom DeLonge and slap him in the face.
99) Watch a lightning storm on top of a hill across from L.A.
100) Do all these things before I die, die, and then find out if there's heaven and hell.

Not too bad, but most of the things I wanted to accomplish in life when I was younger, I have already.
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