jason rachel justin evelyn jen have gone to college. =[ i miss them so much. last night i went to adventure land and i had to say goodbye to jason and rachel. it was so sad.
im going to mike's in a little to watch a movie. mall later.
hey guys, my computer is broken. i have a virus. i'm just letting everyone kno. i dont kno when it'll be fixed. and also, i broke my phone (yes, again). so i dont have a phone. it'll be a few days before i get a new one.
worked today. went kinda fast so that's good. my back is peeling. it's extremely disgusting. so after work i got my hair cut. then around 7 i went to melissa's. we were in her room marching to my chemical romance. lolol. <3
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well band camp is over. we had our little performance. it went pretty well, i guess. went to sweet hollow road again. this time it wasn't too bad. we tried finding mount misery but were unsuccessful.