Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?
No, on second thought, don't answer that question.
Cut for ugliness.
My mom just sent me a story about a woman in Texas who killed and ate her baby because the Devil told her to. She then attempted to slash her own throat and stab herself in the stomach
There were two other children (her sister's) staying in the house at the time.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but if my sister had been diagnosed mentally unstable (schizophrenic), was violent and depressed, and claiming that the devil was talking to her, I don't think I would have let my children stay in her home. Much less her own child.
I'm sorry, but the Devil, God, Angels, sparkly pink unicorns, whatever... You are responsible for your actions, not some deity or supernatural being. I'm not saying that these things don't exist, but the most they can do is suggest things. They don't control you. You do. And nothing can make you hurt someone else unless you want to do so.
Yes, I understand about mental illness. (More so than you might think)
Yes, I understand about belief. (I've seen too much to not know that there is something out there.)
But there is no power in this universe or any other that would make me hurt mine or anyone else's child. Ever.
Things like this make me glad I'm no longer a forensic science anything. I would be angry and sad too much of the time with the world.