
Nov 10, 2006 10:29

Im feeling really blah today. Everything is going good but just earlier i had this feeling of utter depressing come over me for some reason and now it wont budge. It had to do with one particular person that i dont think would ever hurt me but i just had almost like a preminition/daydream that they did something really awful to me and now i cant ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

used_finch November 10 2006, 00:27:57 UTC
hope you're feeling better darling.
you & the timmy should come round for dinner one night. we'll do the pizza thing.
<3 <3 <3


xstaceyax November 12 2006, 19:34:06 UTC
Im feeling heaps better now... i just needed a good cry and a hug. and yes the timmy and i shall come around for dinner this week...mmm mini pizza goodness...was good seeing you at Luckys...i wanna see pictures


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