You might try talking to Herbie on this - I know he did some research on the topic a few years ago, though I'm not entirely sure how up-to-date his information is. It might be a decent starting point, though. =)
(I just realized that I never got around to reading/reviewing the second installment of Amara that you sent me - I promise I'll do that soon!)
Chech out Mayflower Bank - main branch is in Plymouth, I think...I liked the folks I spoke to there, even if I didn't end up applying.
And g3et EVERYTHING in writing. If you are going into business with a friend - PLEASE get it in writing, so when the friendship is strained and if the biz has issues, you're covered and able to break away cleanly if needed.
Comments 4
(I just realized that I never got around to reading/reviewing the second installment of Amara that you sent me - I promise I'll do that soon!)
I'll talk to you guys about it more on Sunday!
And g3et EVERYTHING in writing. If you are going into business with a friend - PLEASE get it in writing, so when the friendship is strained and if the biz has issues, you're covered and able to break away cleanly if needed.
Yeah, definately the 'get everything in writing' is going to need to come into play also.
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