Title: Jealousy
Summary: Draco watches the other children play.
Rating: G
Word Count: 182
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
A/N: Unbeta'd.
He stared enviously through the wrought-iron bars of the fence, looking wistfully at the Muggle children from the village who played their games on the other side, happily oblivious to its - and his - existence. How he longed to join them! But he knew Father would never stand for it. A child sprung from his own loins, a pure-blooded child, next in line to gain the estate he now stood upon, and all others belonging to the Head of the line… wanting to mingle with the filthy, horrid, contaminated Mudblood children? A pureblood son, the heir to vast riches and many sprawling estates, wishing to be seen associating with such rubbish as the commoners that lived in the village below the Manor? It was unheard of.
Hearing his mother’s magically amplified voice exasperatedly calling his name from the house, Draco turned from the cheerful tots beyond the grounds, schooling his features into those of the perfect, indifferent son as he walked steadily back to his home, to pretend once again that he was only who they wanted him to be.