Title: In Dreams...
Summary: ... (NO! READ IT YOURSELF! XD)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 104
Warnings: Slash, of course. *smirks*
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Just a quick drabble I wrote for
witch_babe, who was worried about enjoying het. ;) Something of a sequel to
Lust, if anyone else has the same squick. ♥
In Dreams... )
Comments 4
I read this right after I read "Lust" and only noticed the A/N (completely skipped over the warning) so I assumed it would be more Draco/Pansy lol I'm not a fan of that pairing, but I love your writing and wanted to keep reading anyway.
Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised :)
Go h/d! hehe
And I don't know why, but I love when you have Harry call Draco, 'Dray. *g*
Woot, H/D! And, another (almost-/sort of-)convert to het?! Wow! ^^ Heh, I'm sure Harry will have plenty more chances to call him Dray.. ;)
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