hey there
well the past few days have been pretty fun. since summer is sadly ending im glad that im having a pretty good time
friday: friday night i hung out with 2 of my favorite people danielle and kimmy! me and danielle wandered over to kims and hung out outside for about a good hour. lots of jokes were made such as "green light!" and "charlies angels." :) then steve, paul, chris, brian, chris's brother and matt decided to come visit us on the steps. they flipped around ont eh grass which was rather entertaining. i once again tried to steal chris's hat but he insisted on taking it back. danielles ride came and gave me a ride home as well because hes cool like that. it was a fun night overall.
saturday: mom went phyco. which isnt to uncommon in our house anymore. she claimed my room wasnt clean. this kind of pissed me off because danielle and i cleaned out that room from top to bottem before we painted and wallpapered in there ( which actually came out very nice! im proud of my uncrafty self and my father :)) but it stillw asnt good enough, whatever. i visited my grandpa while my brother and dad put together his shed. then i came home ate and went to church. fun stuff. dave then came over to visit. it was really good to see him. its a shame he wont be returning to UC. we hung around my house and walked around linden for a while. we visited kim and steve which was rather entertaining. interesting pictures were taken...right kimmy ;)
then after dave left i decided to watch tv until i fell asleep.
sunday: beach day!! we had terrible weather!! we went down the shore adn stayed at the house with aunt merilla, uncle stan, bridget eric and joey. the sun wasnt out but it was still fun. we went down to the bay because the beach was really windy. i talked to danielle on the phone for a while adn then bridget and joey came down to visit me by the dockish place. i got off the phone with danielle and went to curl up on the blankeet, where i slept face down in my hoodie for 2 hours. i guess i was tired. then we went to fly a kite on teh beach. something i hadnt done in forever. we ate adn then went to the board walk, where it was rather cold. we wandered around and i got zepolies! my family stayed at the hosue for the night adn everyone else left. i couldnt sleep in my bedf because there was sand int eh sheets :( so i slept on the couch.
monday: still down the shore. went to the bay again because the beach was to windy. i actually got a little tanner which is always a plus. we cleaned up the house and went home. on the way stopped at the board walk so my mom could have a cheesesteak. then we went to hoffmans (ice cream place that kicks major ass!) we drove home adn my mom decided she wanted to stop at melo mall on teh way. may i remind you we just came off the beach and i looked terrible. and i saw people i knew..but they didnt seemt o mind. i snuck up on rob and jumped on his back. scared him ...:). he was with parker, brain, biondi, matt, eddie, and mel. i talked to them for a while and then went back to my parents so we could finish making our way home. then i showered and danielle found her way over. we went to visit kim as we usually do on our walks. we found kim and her friend jamie. along with steve, chris adn his brother, brian, adn kevin fountain! havnt seen him in the longest time. then i went home adn made sure i had everyhting for freshman oriantation the next day.
tuesday: got up, got ready for school went to the bus stop. got to school saw my freshman adn talked to her for a while. sat around. talked to people. we had a lot of time to ourselves so we did things to entertain ourselves. john, butler and myself connected people through 6 degrees of other people or things. we connected me to brad pit :) then i got on the bus and went home. hung around and didnt do much after that.
yesterday: oriantation for the sophmores. got up to sdee the pouring rain outside...walked to the bus stop, got soaked. danielles mom came and got me so i didnt get much more wet. got on the bus and got to school. saw lots of people i hadnt seen in a long time. went to class. happy to see im in classes iwth a few people i know. danielle demperio is in spanish with me and kevin. then church has liz capriolla, kim, kevin who just transfered from st. joes, and a few others. gym with liz,jason, danielle demperio, joe, sam, bobby, and mike. english with scott, corrine, bobby hartiger. us history with corrine, casey, rob, chris, and liz douress. english with corrine and scott. and chemistry with corrine, marvin, and jacqui. homeroom with the usual, dnaielle ofcourse, jill, stephanine, lauren, erin, rob, and brian guteral. when that was all over with we got ont he bus and went home. i was a little tired so i slept for a while and then got ready for dance, which was amazing! i dont think ive ever been so exited to be back. ballet is going to be tough this year being placed with the seniors but im going to work really hard and not let anyone down. tap was just to entertaining! jeanette, tata, and i were the ones that were oerly exited about the alice and wonderland routine. then hip hop just got me hyper. i came home and colored for my brother and his summer reading project. a whole bunch of stuff done to his braces so he was in lots of pain :( my poor kid brother. then i called paul. good to talk to him. i think i fell asleep on him though, i was exhasted.
if you read all that, god bless you! if you didnt, cant say i blame you :)