Nov 28, 2007 13:34
i've been wicked sick
i'm sick of being... um sick
working 50 hours this week
naht so much
all i've been doing is working and then sleeping the rest of the day away then waking up and going back to work
looove it
naht so much
my car is breaking
yeah sweet 05 corolla i have
i wanna crash the fucking thing
i need a serious vaca
Nov 19, 2007 17:36
what the faaaaack
i'm pissed
i'm sick again
i'm tired
i fucked up my car and now need a new tire
today is one of the worst days of my life
i fucking hate you right now
you suck a lot
Oct 31, 2007 22:51
work suuuucked
i already fucked up the new oven
of cooouuurse
i am not looking forward to going in tomorrow
i can't wait till 1pm tomorrow
my weekend begiiins
can't come fast enough
what is going through my head right now???
i have no idea what to do
Oct 30, 2007 22:57
i'm fucking sick... again
what the fuck is going on
i feel like complete shit
i need to take some more cold medicine and pass out again
Oct 28, 2007 22:55
i love earl grey tea so much
i'm getting some more ink tomorrow
i can't wait to sleep half the day away tomorrow
i'm quitting the butts
only 1 today
tomorrow i start fresh
i need to go to the gym again
and eat better
58 days till christmas yaaaay
Oct 26, 2007 17:27
i dropped $186 at vickie secrets today
Oct 25, 2007 13:50
if you are miserable
then why not make a change?