Jul 02, 2006 09:52
was all in all amazing.
bunch of random fun stuff packed into one night.
hopefully i keep having more and more of thoses.
because that would be very nice.
going back to sleep i believe.
[i may hog the blankets.
but at least i'm not a pillow thief.< 3]
Jun 30, 2006 01:31
...to me.
good night to start off being 18.
bad food, good people.
hey, can't win em all.
Jun 27, 2006 15:41
i'm really not feeling good at all.
hot chocolate, jamba, or company would be very much appreciated.
i'm probably taking myself bowling later if i feel better.
who knows. haha.
Jun 26, 2006 20:04
birthday in 3 days.
i've seriously been waiting for this forever.
june 30th im going to disneyland then bane show probably.
but does anyone wanna go to the beach or disneyland on saturday?
come on. it'd be fun!
Jun 26, 2006 10:55
i hate this feeling.
i hate crying.
i hate thinking.
it sucks.
Jun 24, 2006 23:30
kinda disappointed.
kinda not feeling great.
kinda don't wanna go in to work tomorrow til 5:30.
but it's my last day until august so i get lots of time to chill and hang out now.
as much as i like to bitch...
things are getting better.
hopefully things stay good for once.
Jun 22, 2006 22:41
june 8th.
ultimate fighting championship.
sooo stoked!
it will be an amazing trip.
anyone else wanna go?