Friends and family. . . marsidotesFebruary 10 2014, 15:26:53 UTC
I keep LJ just for me and the friends I've made here. I use facebook for the more general day to day stuff. Too many people I know on facebook so I tend to keep that to comments about my day to day, food I cook, and stories about my cat. When I need to rant, LJ is where I come. It's actually more open for me, because it doesn't mess with my everyday life. But, whatever makes you happy is what counts. So, enjoy LJ and I hope you make lots of friends. :)
Re: Friends and family. . . xstefaniebadassFebruary 10 2014, 18:57:21 UTC
I deleted facebook. I couldn't stand the drama, people being fake, and the constant ridiculous 2 line posts on absolutely nothing. I will miss the family aspect though since all of my family lives in different states and facebook made it so easy to keep in touch with their daily lives.
Re: Friends and family. . . marsidotesFebruary 10 2014, 21:58:58 UTC
The main reason I like facebook is that I've got relative scattered all over. My brother and his family live in Austin, Texas and if not for fb, I would miss all the exciting things his family does. Plus, they post lots of pictures of the kids, and pets and stuff. Every once in a while I get to see a pic of my brother too, and I love it. I avoid the drama by not posting anything of consequence to me, or my opinions and just enjoy. If they want to make fools of themselves sometimes, it's ok by me. :)
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