Title: Catching the Rain
xstockpiledmmrsRating: PG [for now]
POV: Ryan-centric
Pairing: None, for now
Summary: Ryan Ross must be out of his damn mind
Disclaimer: Not real
Author's Notes: I blame another weekened of rain for inspiring me to write this little story. I'm not too sure how long this'll be.
Catching the Rain
2:16 A.M.
Ryan Ross must be out of his damn mind.
He was sitting in the rain, on a bench in a nothing park in the middle of Vegas. He didn’t know what drew him here at two in the morning, but he did know it definitely wasn’t the thunder and lightning that was all around him.
Ryan sighed, staring around the empty park, flicking a strand of damp hair out of his eyes.
Why was he even here?
He was twenty one, and was supposed to be following his daily routine: sleep, wake up, eat, go to work, come home, eat again, and go back to sleep. He didn’t need to break it, especially by coming here on a Saturday night. Ryan never even took time away from his routine to spend time with his best friend, Spencer.
Everything was routine for him.
“Excuse me?”
Ryan’s head snapped up, seeing someone standing in front of him, just as drenched as he was in the heavy rain.
“Do you have any spare cash?”
Ryan shook his head, looking over the boy. Soaked, ratty clothes, dark brown hair hanging in front of his equally dark brown eyes.
“You sure?”
He nodded, still not even speaking to the stranger. He didn’t intend on coming here tonight, and he definitely didn’t intend on talking to someone begging him for money..
“Well, do you have a cell phone? I need to call a taxi.” The boy asked, sitting himself down beside Ryan, blinking up at him.
“No,” Ryan replied, tugging his thin coat tighter around his body and moving away from the stranger.
“C’mon, please? My house is like.. twenty miles away.”
Ryan stood up, “That’s your fault. I don’t have a cell phone, or money. Go ask someone else,” he started walking away, figuring now was a good time to go back, before the rain got any worse.
“Wait!” The boy caught up to him, hands tucked in his pockets, “Where do you live? Have a car?”
Ryan shook his head, quickening his pace, “Leave me alone.”
“Someone’s not very social, now is he?”
2:33 A.M.
The whole walk home, which was really only ten minutes for Ryan, went with the stranger rambling on about why he was out so late and twenty miles away from his house - I went to my friend’s house, you know? And he had a party, and I’d come with a friend. But everybody was too drunk to drive me home! - while Ryan ignored him, simply trying to get back home.
Ryan fumbled with his keys as he -they- walked up the steps to his small suburban-like home. He shoved the key into the lock, hearing it click and he opened the door. Ryan slipped off his shoes, leaving them out the door as he started into the house.
He stopped, turning around when the boy had started to follow him in.
“What are you doing?” Ryan asked, his eyebrows furrowed together.
“I’m coming inside,” the boy replied with a smile, moving to take of f his own shoes, “Isn’t that okay?”
“No. You’re not coming in, and you’re going to go away and leave me alone!” Ryan said, frowning, and trying to restrain himself from just shoving the boy out of his house. Of course, Ryan wasn’t the violent type, not at all, so obviously he couldn’t do that, “I have to go to sleep.”
The boy nodded, stepping back out onto the doormat, “It’s okay, I’ll wait.”
Ryan frowned, shutting the door on the boy, making sure to lock it. He didn’t know what was going on, but he was hoping that by tomorrow morning, when he left for work at 6:54, that strange boy would be gone.