Okay, so earlier today a lady(now, this was a nice lady, as was her friend. They are not, I repeat, NOT the sucky customers.) walks into the store asking me if we had a bench. I assumed that she didn't feel like walking so I said sure, and then suggested that she came in through the out door so that way she didn't have to walk around all the registers- apparently she didn't need to sit down, her friend did who's knee was so messed up it literally bent the wrong way-so yea, she didn't want to walk around. Understandable. I kept the out door open(if you stand in it for too long it closes it self, so i just kept walking through it so it wouldn't close on her) and then offered her a (stillnonelectric.)wheel chair IF she wanted to look around herself. She was very polite, accepted my offer, and went on her way. At the same time another lady walks in and asks me where's her hold(as if I knew what she was talking about.) i looked around and figured that they put it in the back at the store where the furniture department was- so I told her that if she walked straight down she would see a desk with a guy in a red shirt and he would help her.
Now I don't know what happened down there. I wasn't involved in the whole process. Maybe she was pissed because I made her take the walk- who knows?
An hour or so later I saw the lady in the wheelchair go through a register; so I started getting her walker ready (it was one of the collapsable ones so I thought it'd take me a while to figure it out.) and stood at the edge of the register for her. All of the sudden a carraige runs into me from behind. and who was it? Hold Lady. At first I thought I had backed up into her- but another employee(and a bystanding customer) told me later on it was definitley deliberate.
I must go into dialogue form.
Me: ...me.
HL: Hold Lady.
NL: Lady in wheelchair (her friend was waiting at the ramp for her.)
Me: Oh, sorry about that, let me get out of your way.
HL: -sounds scarily cheery- is there a manager in the store? (no. there isn't. they just let a 17 year old run the desk. OF COURSE THERE'S A MANAGER.)
Me: Yes, both ___ and ___ are here, would you like me to call one of them?
HL: No. I don't need them. Just tell them that the service here is completely unacceptable.
okay, I finally understand the smile that was featured in the other post- the smile that the customer used when she KNEW that an employee of the store couldn't say anything back or else all hell would break loose.
Me: U-uhm. I'm sorry to hear that- Have a nice day (equally chipper, scared the shit out of her.)
NL: Well that was uncalled for, I've never felt so wanted in a store since before my injury.
-end dialogue form-
I decided to help the lady in the wheelchair up the ramp to her car rather than making her walk up the ramp with the walker. Hold lady turned around and the look on her face was INCREDIBLE. I think she thought I was following her.
Sorry lady, you don't mean all that much to me.
tl;dr- Lady decides to hit me with her carriage because she didn't have the time of her life.