Lalalalala my last post was such an emo kid post.
-gonna ignore that madness for a little while-
-I think my mum threw away that book list I made...It was on the table yesterday-grr.
-It's almost 3. And I'm not really sleepy. This isn't good.
-Prongsie and I weren't placed in the same room.... hn. that's annoying.
-That Biology book I was supposed to study last year- yup just opened it for the first time yesterday. It's a good book. It probably would've helped me last year- oh well, at least I'm taking bio this year too.
-I STILL can't find my math text book. That's uber annoying.
-One Month until I'm outta here!
-Manager lady wants me to work on weekends... O_O (yea I said no.)
-I really REALLY want to get my workstudy job in either the book store or library- probably Library.
-Oh AHA I found the book list. -happy-
-Anyone wanna suggest books to me?
-Bullet points calm me.
-I'm pleased that I'm becomming really good friends with a kid I met at orientation.
-You know, when I came down here a good hour ago I just wanted a drink of water...I never got that.
-I think I'll start making bracelets again- that was fun.
-I want to sleep but I don't want to sleep.
-I really wanna change my DA account- i hate the name.
-But do I really wanna lose all those pictures? Ahh.
-Not to mention I'm running out of titles- I should do collections.
-Same with AP. I need collections, not induvidual titles.
-That ad on the side of the page is really pretty(knowing my luck it won't be the same ad)
-Obviously my aunts think we're retarded- luckily I scared the shit outta them last saturday.
-Not to mention they're the idiots who won't admit that their mother's dying. Whatever.
-Oh whoops I promised not to go emo on this post.
-My roomate's nice. We've planned nothing yet- this means she procastinates just as much as I do.
-I've got New Found Glory stuck in my head- that's different.
-Doesn't make much sense considering that I've been listening to Carrie Underwood all week.
-Omg Carrie Underwood = <3
-After that weekend from hell...ah I don't like work anymore. I just started to really enjoy it. And now I hate it.
-I wish I could quit earlier.
-But noooo I just had to tell them the 28th. damn them.
-I don't know why, but my face is literally 5 inches away from the screen.
-I'm such an odd induvidual.
-have a picture:
-I've got to find more stuff like that.
-Now it's time for me to find soemthing else to capture my attention.
good night.