There's three more weeks left before school starts again. Thank God.
Anyhow, figured I'd throw an update up here, even though no one reads this. That might be for the best...
It's not long, but there's a lot of lines, so for the sake of of those not interested, I'll throw in a cut. If you're interested, by all means give it a read.
First off, the weekend is fast approaching, and it brings two barbecues. The first I'll likely hit up is Shane's. Haven't seen him since winter...not sure when exactly. It was freezing outside, I remember that, since I made him stand outside in it instead of smoking in my house. He respectfully complied.
I don't know how long I'll stay, probably most of the daylight hours. When Shane's parents throw a party, it's best if all off-duty emergency personnel vacate the area, lest we be forced to help someone. Honestly, drunk people do not want to have to deal with me as a care provider. If it wasn't the law that I need to help, I wouldn't. You drank yourself into your situation. Deal with it.
Once everyone is good and liquored up, I'll clear out. As a non-drinker, things get boring when people can't hold a conversation with you.
Next stop will be Drew's. I haven't seen Drew...or Nick...or Liz....or whoever else will likely be there short of Deal and Renee......since a few weeks after school ended (first week of June-ish?). Don't know why, I haven't been particularly busy. Either way, it'll be good to have the woo state crew (The Drew, the Nick, the Deal, the Renee, and myself) together in the same spot again. Together we almost equal the total awesomeness of my bro. But not entirely.
In other news, any Worcester Staters interested in forming a Model United Nations? I'm trying to organize the club, but I need a bunch of people to prove to the Student Senate that there's enough interest in order to officially establish such an organization. Any takers? Come on, it looks great on a resumé.
...I've been listening to REM's "It's the end of the world as we know it" and "Losing my religion" lately. That can't be a good sign can it?
For those interested in and it's status, I finished the members section and the forums. Want to register and check it all out? Here's the link:
Still no change with her, she's busy and I'm busy, she's more of an early bird...and I'm nocturnal. But hey, we're still trying to figure something out, so I haven't lost all hope. For those of you who think I'm wacko for chasing a girl who has left me hanging, more or less, for seven months, understand that I haven't found any other girl I'd want to spend time with. So what else would you have me do? Honestly?
Anybody else notice that there's a new Nightmare Before Christmas-esque movie coming out? Fuck yeah. And Halloween is two months away. I'm psyched. It is, without a doubt, the best fucking time of year, and certainly the best holiday. We need to do something cool for Halloween this year. Who's in?
Alright, that's all I can think of for the moment. As always, questions and comments are welcome.
Take care all,