10 Favorites. . .
Favorite Color: turquoise
Favorite Food(can be a food item): cheesy fiesta potatoes from taco bell
Favorite Band/Singer: Jack's Mannequin
Favorite Song: at the moment, sould meets body by deathcab
Favorite Movie: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Favorite Sport: not into sports
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Day Of the Week: Friday.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip
Favorite Time of Day: nighttime
9 Currents. . .
Current Mood: depressed
Current Taste: breath
Current Clothes: sweatpants and a tank top
Current Desktop Picture: Andrew McMahon
Current Toenail Color: 'tequila sunrise' kinda orangey pink
Current Time: 5:34 p.m.
Current Surroundings: my room
Current Annoyance(s): fake ass b's.
Current Thought: i need to get my life straightened out.
8 Firsts. . .
First Best Friends: celina cavett, caycee hanger, leanne ealy, amanda edens, amy burk
First Movie: probably like cinderella or a different disney movie.
First Screen Name: Tinkerbell_1000 HAHAHAHA
First Pet: mean siamese named sammy.
First Piercing: ears when i was like 2 or 3, lip when i was 18
First Crush: jacob in germany somewhere
First Music You Remember Hearing: the carpenters, steely dan, and the four tops.
First Car: nissan sentra
7 Lasts...
Last Cigarette: A few hours ago.
Last Drink: gin & ginger ale & some red stuff last nite.
Last Car Ride: last nite with megan on the way back to the boro from aliz's in tullahoma
Last Food You Ate: cheesy fiesta potatoes and a caramel empanada from taco bell last nite
Last Movie Seen: i just caught the second half of that presidents daughter movie with mandi moore on tv this morning
Last Phone Call: james
Last CD Played: coldplay x&y
6 Have You Evers. . .
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: right now
Have You Ever Broken the Law: almost everyday
Have You Ever Been Arrested: Nope.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: once.
Have You Ever Been on TV: yea i was on the weather once
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: yes
5 Things. . .
You're Wearing: socks (it's cold), sweatpants, tank top, track jacket, undies
You Can Hear Right Now: the hum of my computer, the typing of the keys, people upstairs being loud, cars outside, my stomach growling
You Can't Live Without: taco bell, james, music, friends, my jeep
You Do When You're Bored: do surveys, eat, watch tv, go to taco bell, get on the computer
4 Places You've Been. . .
1. germany
2. austria
3. san francisco
4. las vegas
3 People You Can Tell Anything To. . .
1. james
2. megan
3. amber
2 Choices. . .
Black or White: white
Hot or Cold: hot
1 Thing You Want to Do Before you die. . .
make someone truly happy.