May 10, 2005 06:29

so todays topic will be trust, 4 the past 2 summers we've gone to trinidad for the basically good part of the summer, yeah its beatiful, yeah we have a house o the beach, yeah we have friends, some would say and thats not enough for you??...but its not, ever since i was little ive had to leave naples everysummer, eather grandparents and now to go ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

xremember_mex May 10 2005, 17:15:00 UTC
that makes a lot of sense and thats exactly how i feel about my gf


beach_bum_69 May 10 2005, 18:11:34 UTC
i remember u used to get pissed when all i did was stay at alex's when he was on probation.
its funny how things change, mayb now u get why i was always with him.
because u are the same way now. its cool i dont care, but it works both ways..
and i hope u realize that...oh yeah and i dont want u to get hurt, love you christina.. <33


xsurfingislifex May 11 2005, 18:48:11 UTC
if you ever see anything tell, me even if is somthing small i dont wanna get hurt eathier but id rather know then be lied to ya knoe, yeah maybe it will be tht way but its not like i have many other friends anymore, im so sick of life, people suck school sucks n so do drugs


paige504 May 12 2005, 06:55:32 UTC
hay xtina u better not go 2 trinidad i only get to come back from july 2 august n u better b there n i will be able to drive...scary we can wear helmits though so if we get n a crash it will be ok


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