while i agree with you, im down here in that part of the country, and houston is about to see rita come through right after watching our neighbors get hit with katrina.. and its just tough. i dont think God would give us things in the first place if he didnt want us to be happy with them. the key is not letting your life be run by material things.. but its hard when it comes to things like shelter and food. cars and computers, i can agree that its not that big of a deal, but food and water is just getting to the point where its miserable and people really are suffering. this is giving a lot of people wake up calls, but i highly doubt its oging to change many people.. theyre just going to buy more BMWs in a month.
i'm not saying that what's happened isn't horrible...it's horrible beyond comprehension...i'm just saying that it's sad that people study and work their whole lives for things that can be taken away in two seconds...i am still sad for them, though. the Lord takes care of us and wants to bless us in various ways...it's just sad when material things are what people live for...they're so temporary. the Lord gives us so much more.
and i guess i'm not really talking to hurricane victims...i was addressing the rest of us. what can we learn from this?
my friend wrote a really good paper to an artwork piece i did about not building treasures on earth, where it perishes, but in heaven where no one can take away. yeah, but katrina made me think about what if i lost the things i have. i realized i was attached to them. but we all need to remember and learn again and again that the Lord is enough.
true dat, sir. i never think i'm attached to things...but then i ask myself..."if Jesus asked me to give all this up (not that i have much)...drop it and follow Him...would i hesitate?" the answer worries me sometimes.
Comments 8
and i guess i'm not really talking to hurricane victims...i was addressing the rest of us. what can we learn from this?
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