Title:My Untangible Love
Rating: PG-13
Genre:Dark romance
Summary:A poem about You's love for Gackt,and how he is addicted to it.
My untangible Love Title:On these days I will cry
Summary: Gackt tries to piece together how he feels about the rain.,and gray days
On these days I will cry MultiChapters
Title: When the rain falls...will you save me?
Genre: Romance,angst,sorta-fluddy
parings/charectors: Nao/?,Saga,Tora,Shou,Hiroto
Summary: . His slender fingers encased the doorknob, and once again he entered into his confinement, and closed the door behind him, shutting off the outside world. Letting the hours tick away, until he would venture out again.
Chapter 1/
Chapter 2/
Chapter 3 Title: Fleeing from the heart's bondage
Rating:PG-13(for now)
Charectors:All of MUCC, The Gazette, and D'espairs Ray
Summary: Somedays I want to look up at the sky, the neverending sky...someday I'll place the stars in your hands.Will you smile for me then?
Prologue Up and coming
Title:Reflections through glass
Pairing: Tora/Shou, Kai/Nao, Saga/Hiroto,Ruki/Aoi, and some original charactors
Genre: NC-17(later)
Summary: He felt empty and he wondered if his soul was missing.His mothers cry's pierced the sky and a purple butterfly landed on his shoulder,the train started moving again.
1 One-Shots: