Cartoon KAT-TUN

Jun 13, 2008 03:49

I need to say this or I'll explode to become a splattery goo on my wall.

So. SO. I must be the slowest person on the planet, but I've just downloaded the latest cartoon KAT-TUN and guess who's the guest. ajdklsjdlskfjl. ONLY THE WOMAN I'M HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH. AND GUESS WHO'S THE PERSON SHE'S HAVING THE CROSS TALK WITH. ONLY THE MAN I'M HEAD OVER THE-BACK-OF-MY-KNEES IN LOVE WITH. Let me be completely juvenile and squeal here for a moment, not, that I've been a shining example of maturity thus far, but.

Squealing. Yes. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ askdljfjkdljf I want them to hook up so bad, and I'm utterly convinced he was flirting with her, and nothing can change my mind even though I've only watched, like, 15 seconds of the entire clip during QC.

I wasn't the least bit interested in this week's show initially, but then I saw this picture here and being the normal JEfangirl that I am, I did what every normal JEfangirl would do when she comes across something she finds absolutely horrifying. Download the associated video immediately.

On a side note, that post also amused me to no end. Oh Akame, see how you deprive your fans so.

Just the other day, my brother was mentioning how he found people who wore their caps not completely seated over their heads disgusting. I was thinking of several artistes who do this and defended them in front of my brother, because while I don't like it, I won't go as far as to call it disgusting. Well, let's just say, someone up there is testing me.

I love how this post went from mindless squealing to mindless rambling.

when is it never jin, cartoon kat-tun, i couldn't resist

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