taylor. i know we get in fights all the time. but i like hanging out with you. sorry if i sound like a bitch sometimes. but hey. im an older sister. im supposed to. anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyways. that is the extent of my queer quota. annnnnnnnnd. whats up with our rents? what happened. kbye
Hello Peenie Pantyliner, This is Shoes. I'm leaving this anonymous because I don't feel like putting my user name and password in that little box up there. But not that matters to you, because you already know who it is.. well, you better know who it is, because if you don't, then that means that everything we said last night meant NOTHING to you!
Comments 4
i know we get in fights all the time.
but i like hanging out with you.
sorry if i sound like a bitch sometimes.
but hey.
im an older sister.
im supposed to.
that is the extent of my queer quota.
whats up with our rents?
what happened.
This is Shoes.
I'm leaving this anonymous because I don't feel like putting my user name and password in that little box up there. But not that matters to you, because you already know who it is.. well, you better know who it is, because if you don't, then that means that everything we said last night meant NOTHING to you!
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