
Feb 21, 2007 00:09

[An author who had affected you] I'm not much of a reader, and I can definately say that I've never read a book that affected me or changed me

[What are you most likely to do on a Sunday] Go to church and then chill with the girls/boo

[A monument you would like to view from your bedroom] The Eiffel would be lovely

[A taste that makes you melt] Mashed potatoes always get me, but I had some fucking bomb 12 minute microwave cake tonight...

[A hobby that occupies your time] Smokin weed dawg

[The film you could watch over and over] I don't enjoy movies enough to watch them more than once, or even once for that matter

[Your motto] Live life

[Your approximate annual income] 0$

[Something important on your computer desk] I don't have a computer desk, I put my laptop on my lap...and the most important thing there is obviously my vagina

[What you would keep in a safe, if you had one] I have one, and I keep illegal things in it and money

[Things you like to buy] I buy alot of clothes and alotta food

[If you could afford it at this moment, you would buy] A new car

[You collect] ? nothing ?

[Your strangest possession] Ahh jeez, now that I think of it, I don't really have strange possesions, everything I have is pretty normal

[Your most expensive possession] Eh maybe my car, even though it's a piece it's still worth the most

[Your prized possession] Probs my compie

[If your house was burning and you only had time to rescue 3 things, they would be] Laptop, cat, cell phone

[Something forbidden you have done that might even surprise your closest friends] Well not much would surprise my friends at this point, but if I were to say something here then it wouldn't be a secret

[The appropriate age for having sex] Well I can't say that there's a age when everyone is "ready" for sex, but I guess if someone has sex before they're 16 I think they're slutty haha

[The first time you had sex, you were how old] 17

[Your most recent lie] Hah, I think I told my mom I was going somewhere I wasn't? Nothing big, I'm not much for lying anymore...

[A lie you tell yourself] It's hard to lie to yourself, cause no matter how hard you try you always know the truth. Cause's you, ya know?

[A drug or alcoholic beverage you take on a regular basis] I smoke buddah errrday dawgie

[If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to] I don't base my addiction or my satisfaction with it on it's side effects or lack there of...

[What would your reaction be if your spouse or partner cheated on you] I don't think I'd be that mad actually. I'd never cheat but I don't think it would be a deal breaker if someone cheated on me

[A time you purposely hurt someone emotionally] Ahhm I don't know about that one...

[Which of your parents do you strongly resemble] I don't see a resemblance to either of them, ask someone else

[If you didn't know your parents, you would choose these two famous people to take their place] Easy E

[Something your parents did that you have never forgiven] Nothing in particular, but I just resent how they treat my brother compared to how they treat me

[A trait you do not share with your siblings] I only have one, and we're alot alike but I'm not as flustered as he is. He's always fidgiting and being wierd

[Your least favorite relative] Ahh I don't know, I'm really close with my extended family

[Four traits you look for in a friend] Loyalty, sense of humor, loving, respectful

[The friend you have known for the longest time] Rhea

[The friend you miss the most] Paul maybe, we hardly ever chill these days

[A friend who makes you laugh] They all make me laugh

[A friend who you can tell anything] Rhea or Casey

[A friend you can go to for advice] Rhea or Casey

[A friend you can flirt with] Hah I flirt with all of them, I'm just a dyke like that

[A friend you should not flirt with as much as you do] Probs all of them, they must think I'm a creep

[A friend you should not have kissed] I've never kissed a friend

[A friend you may lose soon] I might lose them all in college, but I doubt that will happen. And if it does I won't be sane for too long...

[An acquaintance you would like to make a friend] They are acquaintances for a reason, if I wanted to be friends with them I would be

[A friend who has betrayed you] I can't recall ever being betrayed by a friend

[A friend to whom you have something important to say, but have not yet had the courage] Hah don't ask me that

[Your 3 best qualities] I have nice feet, I'm real loyal, and very loving

[Your 3 worst qualities]

[3 words that describe how others view you] Ask them? Oh wait that's only two words...

[3 words you would use to describe yourself] Freckley, chatty, chill

[A special compliment that made you blush] Everything makes me blush, I'm probably blushing right now

[An insult that made you burn] Ahh I don't know

[The animal that best describes you] Lion ROAR

[The greatest amount of physical pain you ever endured] Breaking my arm really hurt like a mutha dawg

[Your best physical feature] My feet

[At your best, you are most like this famous person] Oh jeez, hopefully no one. My best isn't good!

[At your worst, you are most like this famous person] Now DEFINATELY no one!

[Your most recent selfless act] The only truly selfless act is dying for another, because everything else brings personal satisfaction, and that's as much of a reward as anything else

[3 people you consider to be geniuses] Marilyn Hausammann, Mark Hausammann, Steph Spera!

[3 inventions you consider to be ingenius] The automobile, the Instant Message, the refridgerator

[Your 3 favorite childhood toys or games] I didn't play with toys or games as a child

[3 words you often use when speaking] Dawg, Nah, Dig

[3 sounds that disturb you] Anything repetitive, styrofoam, my alarm ringtone

[3 lessons you have learned the hard way] The only lesson I've really ever learned is that telling one person something means telling everyone something. Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead. So if you don't want the whole world knowing something, keep it to yourself

[3 things you would never do] I'm down to try everything once. I was honestly just trying to think of something I wouldn't do at least once, and there really isn't anything...

[3 things you would not allow your children to do] Now I say that I'll let my children do whatever they want, but thats just cause I'm a represted teenager

[3 things you have done in your life that you regret] Started smoking, lied about things, going to Fontbonne (not that it was really a choice, but if I had known what it would have been like, I would have killed someone before going there)

[Your dream] To lead a happy and sucessful life

[If you had the talent or the opportunity, you would] Would I what? Fufill my dream? Of course!

[Something you wish you could learn at the snap of your fingers] Work ethic maybe? That can be learned...

[Something you wish you could change about your life] Well I'd love to be more motivated, but currently I just wish I had more time or less people to attend to.

[You want to retire at this age] Whenever I'm ready to stop workin

[How do you plan to spend that last years of your life] With my husband and our children and grandchildren

[How would you like to spend the last few minutes of your life] With the people I love

[At your funeral, you want people to remember you as] A genuinely nice person

[Something you dreamed that later happened or turned out to be true] I've never had a dream come true

[The emotion you tend to hide the most] Love, surprisingly enough

[The emotion you seem to experience the most] Disapointment, or at least that's my most commonly remembered emotion

[A moment you achieved absolute happiness] Hah it was about a year and a half ago, I won't go into it, but it was very nice and I haven't felt that way since. Everything made sense to me, man it was great

[You would feel envious right now if] I feel envious of everything and everyone

[A piece of music that makes you sentimental] Mix Tape by Brand New

[When you are happy, you need] Nothing, I clearly already have it if I'm happy

[When you are sad, you need] Everything at once

[When you are nostalgic, you need] Someone to reminisce with

[When you are angry, you need] A minute

[When you are lonely, you need] A friend

[When you are in love, you need] Contact

[You would jump up and down with joy if someone told you] They need me as much as I need them, that's all I've ever really wanted from life

[The last time you cried uncontrollably was when] I was drunk and being my usual stupid drunken self

[A moment in your life when your emotions froze and you felt absolutely nothing] Let's not get into that

[You get angry with yourself when you] It happens alot, I make a decision and then something better comes along and I regret what I did earlier. Makes me so angry, but heinsight is 20 20 ey

[Your earliest memory] A nightmare I had as a baby

[Describe your first paying job] Oh right...

[Describe your best paying job] Oh right...

[You are haunted by the memory of] Just one thing, I don't really know if it even happened. Might be some wierdo repressed bussiness or I could just be making it up? I honestly don't know...

[A person who was exceptionally kind to you] Jimmy, when I was sick on Valentines day. He was perfect and no one has ever been so nice to me

[A person who made you miserable for a long time] A few friends along the way have made me miserable, unbenounced to them of course. I keep things to myself so much to the extent of being miserable over someone without telling them why...

[A smell that reminds you of your childhood] Cold tile...

[A routine you remember from your childhood] I don't remember any routines from my childhood

[Your greatest fear] Being held under water

[A crime or natural disaster you were a victim of] Well some bitch jacked my GPS awhile back. I'll hunt down that mother fucker and stick a bat up there ass

[A sickness or disease you fear] Sickness/disease doesn't scare me

[A reason for which you would seriously contemplate suicide] Being the cause of a friend or loved one's death

[When people first meet you, you are afraid they will think] I'm a wierdo, which I am

[Your greatest fear about aging] That I won't have the life I want, or the life I've become accustom to

[Your greatest fear about marriage] That I will marry someone I don't love. I already know I'm gonna do this, and I doubt I'll ever have to balls to leave...

[Your greatest fear about having children] That they won't turn out right

[A plan or project you worry may fail] My plan to graduate?

[Something on your mind you are afraid to share] I'm afraid to share it, so I won't

[When you really want to get to know someone, you say or ask] I've never "really wanted to get to know someone". I just get to know people and in general it turns out good. If I'm not gonna like them as a person, it usually never gets to that point, so I don't have to worry about it

[The largest age difference you have had in a relationship] Less than a year

[Who was younger] Me

[Something someone said or did that you found extremely attractive] Hah I don't wanna be a creep so I won't get into this one...

[Something someone said or did that you found frighteningly unattractive] I just find aggresiveness in general unattractive. First of all, it looks desperate and second of all, I feel that anyone whose trying aggressively to do something is a wierdo, cause I can't believe that anyone worth knowing would be aggresive with me. That doesn't make much sense does it? But I know what I mean and that's all that matters.

[A saying you've heard about men or women that you believe is true] I think most of the stereotypes about people are true...

[A physical trait you find attractive] Pelvic bones, fuckkkk

[An intellectual ability you find attractive] Just being good at conversation. It's really an art and those who have mastered it will always get my attention

[A personality trait you find attractive] Dedication

[You are irritated when people ask you] Where I go to school...

[You love it when people ask you] "Yo dawg wanna smoke a blunt?"

[Your secret passion] I don't have passions, how sad

[Your longest grudge] I don't hold grudges either, how nice

[A type of person you don't seem to get along with] Big loser fags?

[You and your spouse or partner argue about this issue often] We don't fight

[What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship] The security, and the fact that he's always there. Even if no one else is willing to deal with me, he is

[What you dislike most about having a committed relationship] Nothing really, maybe that there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I need to and still see him

[Your sexiest feature] My vagina?

[A place where you've always wanted to make love] Haha a shower [check!]

[A wonderful place where you have made love] I think the best place to have sex is a bed, a big comfy, toasty bed

[A strange place where you have made love] Ahhh no comment?

[A special place on your body that, when kissed or touched, feels unbelievably good] My collar bone

[An unfulfilled fantasy] They've all been fulfilled baby

[A fulfilled fantasy] The shower I suppose

[A fragrance that reminds you of someone with whom you have been intimate] Just the smell of boy in general. Love the smell of boy

[The most perverted situation you have ever been in] Ahhh

[The approximate number of sexual partners you have had] Approximatelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ONE

[The largest age difference between you and a sexual partner] 10 months

[Who was younger] Me

[The first time you achieved orgasm] Oh man, FRESH!

[You feel most attractive when] I don't knowwww

[The book, song, or movie title that best describes your sexuality] I'm a slave 4 u

[Sex is] fab!


[If you could change one law] The drinking age

[If you could erase one memory] My memories make me who I am, without a past I have no present. I wouldn't take away anything

[If you could start all over] I would

[Your current philosophy] Live life

[Something you learned this week] I've changed alot, maybe not for the good

[Your most important goal right now] To graduate and go to college

[The best word to describe your love life] Fine

[The best word to describe your job] Nonexistant

[Your biggest obstacle right now] Time

[The most important thing in life] Friends

[The last person you said "I love you' to] Jimmy

[A piece of wisdom you would pass on to a child] Find a good set of friends and keep them.

Great! Maybe I'll go to sleep so I can wake up and pack!
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