Do you ever have those days when everything that could possibly go right does? And even then some? That was
I've been anticipating this day for the last few weeks, but for the mostpart, not because of why today ended up being awesome.
I am in love with a boy. That boy is in love with a band. That band was playing the ACC this evening with System of A Down. (Brandon, The Mars Volta) Shall I continue? I THINK SO...
... Because Brandon was going to be in Toronto for the afternoon and I was DYING to see him (literally.. turning green, I had the shakes, totally withdrawl) so I offered that I meet him for a couple hours before the show and cart him and his friends around downtown for a little while. Pick up some chow Yatta Yatta. That was the plan.
Now if you know me, you know that my plans NEVER go according to plan. Infact, usually they're extremely different from the plan. Often times for the worse, and often times for the much much much better. (See Hanson Concerts 04') Today was definitely the latter of the two. Are you begging for it yet? Hahaha.
Brandon and I decided the safest way to meet up would be for me to wait for him outside of the ACC's front doors. So there I was, about 3:00pm (I was an hour early because I luuuuuurve him.) and I am sitting alone on a bench in the middle of the sun staring in every which direction. The tour buses for the bands (The Mars Volta & System of A Down) were parked outside the front gates so there was a lot of security and crew walking around inside the gated area. Normally this would not strike one as odd... unless you live my life.
So there I am sitting on the bench and a gentlemen in a black windbreaker is talking to a tour bus driver and glances in my direction. My automatic reaction is to smile as I smile at every person I see unless they really freak me out. It's a hazard of working retail half my life. About five minutes later the gentlemen starts walking in my direction, I figured he was going to try and bum a smoke or something so I sat patiently as he walked over. A conversation ensued.
It turns out that this gentlemen was System of A Down's personal assistant and lifelong friend. (Are we figuring out where this is headed? Hmmm... maaayyyybeee) I started chatting him up about my enthusiasm for the music industry and how much my boyfriend LOVES TMV. I told him how I was going to school for entertainment management and he seemed impressed, we talked a bit more, I expected nothing more than a nice chat while waiting for my love to arrive until he said "So do you have tickets to the show?" Of course I replied no, because I did not and we continued our conversation. About 5 minutes later he asked me again and I thought that was a bit odd. I explained that I wasn't intending on going to the show even though I rather enjoy both of the main bands' music but that I was meeting my boyfriend before he went in so that we could spend some time together. He smiled and asked me if I would like to go to the show, I said that would be amazing and left it at that. He asked me what time the doors open and I indicated they opened at 6pm. He told me to meet him by the buses at 6pm and he would "walk me in". I thought it was awesome that I could see the show, though a bit sad that brandon would be far away from me and I would be by myself.
About 20 minutes later Brandon and his bandmates came around the side of the building and I did my girly run jump and kiss. Though a lot less passionate than I had imagined, but still very excited and very happy. I was introduced to his bandmates and then I revealed my news. They were all shocked but were as skeptical as I and we ventured a bit uptown to grab some Lupper. Spending the time with brandon walking down the street was enough to fufill me for a thousand centuries but alas ended all too soon. We arrived back at the ACC at 5:30 and waited beside the buses as I was instructed. At 6pm they started letting people in and I figured I probably wasn't going to get in so Brandon and his mates went ahead inside.
I waited around until about 6:15 when Shaun (The PA) came back outside and I caught his attention. I figured he would hand me a ticket and send me on my way, but he pulls an All Access VIP Backstage pass out of his pocket and tells me to put it on. I was a tad on the flabbergasted side as Brandon and his mates and I had joked about me meeting the bands but I never thought it actually possible. Amazed at my profound luck I listened attentively as he told me where I could go (anywhere) and what priveleges I had (drinking w/ the band after the show backstage). A bit saddened that I was by myself and the urge to reveal this amazing news to my love, I used what little information I had about his whereabouts (THE ACC IS FUCKING HUGE!) and tried to locate him. Unsuccessfully, I might add. So about 15 minutes before the opening band (Bad Acid Trip AND BOY WERE THEY BAD!) started, I was leaving the floor area yet again and I heard my name being screamed from the second balcony. I squinted into the mass of faces for what felt like ages until I noticed a bright red shirt waving around in a particularily shadowy area. I waved up and indicated I would find my way up to their seats. About 5 minutes later I was explaining how I'd managed to aquire a backstage pass to Brandon and his awed friends. I felt soooooo horrible because they love TMV and SOAD so much, but they attempted to convince me that they weren't upset but amazed at my capabilities.
The seats were still fairly empty (though the show was sold out) and so I sat with them through the beginning of the opening act until we realized how horrible it was so brandon and I went for a walk. At that point I didn't think it could get much better. We went back and sat down and just before TMV was about to start the people who had tickets for the seat I was sitting in came, so I had to leave. (Brandon and I must have said goodbye about a hundred times tonight, lol) So I made my way down to the floor and watched the mars volta play a fucking AMAAAAAAZING SET! I was just in awe of their show, though in an hour they only played 4 songs and only one was off of Deloused. But overall it was an amazing set.
Oh but it's not over yet!
I went back upstairs to see brandon and we walked around during intermission before SOAD came on and I just love love love him and love spending time with him so much. He makes me smile constantly, and though painful it's completley worth it. I caught SOAD's set from about 30 different locations in the ACC as I just kept getting bored of where I was situated and made my way up and down and around and around. (What's the fun of an All Access Pass if you don't use it to it's full extent, for instance: Riding the executive elevators up to the executive suite area where I sat myself down at bar and enjoyed the show from the VIP lounge! :) )
The plan after I figured it out was that all of the people with All Access VIP were to report to a specific section just above the floor after the show was over so that we could be carted backstage like cattle. I was still really sad that I had to go at it myself but I figured "What the hell?" and was outside the floor area sipping an iced tea waiting for SOAD to finish their set. A couple was talking to security guards beside me about the VIP Passes as they had them and wanted to know when they could get backstage. The security guards referred them to me for information as I had spoke to them earlier about it for myself. I explained that we had to wait until after the show and the couple got frusterated because they had to leave early. The guy was holding his pass and was like "Is there anybody you know who wants to go backstage?" My mouth must have hit the floor. It makes sense for one cool thing to happen, but for a slew of amazing things to just continue on a path of awesomeness around me was spectaculartastic. I stuttered "my boyfriend is upstairs" and the guy handed off his pass. I was just flabbergasted as I took the elevator to the third floor to get Brandon and give him the pass.
I pulled him out into the lobby area and said "How much do you love me?" and then I showed him the backstage pass. He was just like "Oh my god." It was the best thing ever, I was so happy to be able to do that for him. :) I gave him directions about afterwards and told him to meet me at the floor after the show was done and returned downstairs. Elation had set in.
After the show was over a group of about 24-30 people were herded like cattle into a backstage area with lots of alchohol and lots of groupies. The main band members never showed, but I got Brandon to get SOAD's Drummer & Guitar player's autographs and TMV's bassist's autograph, which just totally killed him. I was a bit upset that the main band people weren't there, not for me but for him but I got over it very quickly. He decided he had to leave and so I walked him to his car. The perfect end to a great night. We said a quick goodbye and I took the subway home. This is when I met a gentlemen named Nav who was very nice and kept me company on the subway home as it was very late and I hate riding the subway all that way by myself after midnight.
So that was basically it, unimportant stuff has been deleted or left out because it's unimportant. I love how crazy awesome things just snowball out of control until your life is just like "Whoa."
It's amazing how a day can start one way and turn out to be completley different than you could have ever dreamt of. This will forever be a memory that me and my love can keep with us until the end of time and that makes me so unspeakably happy. I'm glad that he enjoyed himself and I would do anything for him, and he makes me feel like I can do anything.
And don't forget, think positive and positive things happen, dudes! :)