
Aug 13, 2005 17:01

hello everyone. i haven't updated in awhile so i thought i would. school has started again, and david got accepted into auburn 2 days ago. yipee! he's gonna be a hamster doctor. i have to make a 5 minute movie in film making, and i don't quite know where to begin. i'm supposed to have the script written by monday...any ideas? please let me know. ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

brain_of_j August 13 2005, 23:56:50 UTC
You should write a short story about having a bad day.Write in the script about something that happened awhile back, like a friend that moved away.You have the worst day like 1)your transmission gives out 2)then you get fired from your job after school 3)then you get into a cat fight about a past relationship with some skank who is from Huntsville 4)then you finally get home and your friend that moved away who you thought that you'd never see again that moved to canada shows up on your doorstep with flowers.5)then you watch movies all day and eat HOME MADE ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!6)i want to be the friend that moved away so i can eat ice cream because i really like ice cream.i'm like a woman when it comes to ice cream.and i looooooove Dasani water.


blowin_bubbles August 14 2005, 00:09:39 UTC
whats this about skanks from huntsville????

hey bethany! it has definetly been a very long time since you've updated! haha. whooooose david??? haha. im mad at coach clements for putting me near no one i want to talk to... ugh. like all the girls are on the other side of the room. and good luck on your 5 minute movie! sorry i doubt i have any good ideas.


xthatothergirlx August 15 2005, 00:28:07 UTC
hey elaiiiiiine. david is the very sweet boyfriend of mine..for 10 months now (oooh aah). oh yeah coach clements is mucho odd.. i hate this alphabetical thing. except for the girl named jill that sits in front of me is really cool. i wish she could sit on one side of me and you on the other. oh well. he rambles a lot. thanks for the luck..i think i have an idea about it...see ya tomorrow.


xthatothergirlx August 15 2005, 00:25:41 UTC
dang homes. how long have you been planning that?? it was fun talking to you and iain friday...i hope you call me soon because you worried me very much today.


paper_hearts_ August 14 2005, 16:57:29 UTC
a film about how you should have nice phone manners at all times no matter what number shows up on caller id. haha. ♥


xthatothergirlx August 15 2005, 00:29:32 UTC
that'd be a great film..i think everyone whose name starts with a and ends with -ngel should watch it ;) just kidding, i think you're great- i know how frustrating certain callers can be. haha


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