On the phone with Dannielle.
Hung out with Tyler today.
Chatting with Travis.
Wishing Rosie a happppppy birthday.
Now calling Lauren.
Listening to Straylight Run.
What can I say? Im happy.
Have you ever:
[ ]Saved someones life
[X]Had your life saved
[X]Been close to somebody who died
[X]Been to a funeral
[X]Been to a wedding
[X]Been on a aeroplane
[ ]Been in a helicoptor
[X]Been on a ship((EWWWW))
[X]Been on a rollercoaster
[X]Drank alcohol
[X]Smoked a cigarette
[ ]Been arrested
[ ]Been in court
[ ]Made a police statement
[X]Written graffitti on anything
[X]Built a sandcastle
[X]Dissected an animal
[X]Had a penpal
[ ]Been in a long-distance relationship
[X]Given blood
[ ]Had a stalker
[X]Been a stalker
[ ]Had serious surgery
[ ]Had plastic surgery
[X]Dreamt a dream which came true
[X]Been on the radio
[ ]Been on the TV
[X]Written anything on a toilet wall
[ ]Written anything in your own blood
[ ]Drank another persons blood
[X]Had your blood drinked by another person...((I pricked my finger once and it was like a drop of blood and James licked it.))
[X]Hugged a random stranger
[ ]Kissed a random stranger
[X]Worn odd socks
[X]Swam in the ocean
[X]Been out of the country you live in
[ ]Fired a gun
[X]Been camping
[ ]Cut out a lock of your hair
[ ]Given someone a lock of your hair
[ ]Taken a lock of someone elses hair
[ ]Played in a band
[-]Bungee jumped... K
[ ]Been in a hot air balloon
[X]Eaten grass
[X]Eaten a flower
[X]Made a snow angel
[X]Made a snowman
[X]Been in a car accident
[X]Stolen anything
[ ]Hitchhiked
[ ]Picked up a hitchhiker
[ ]Broken a bone
[X]Ran into a closed door
[X]Intentionally hurt someone
[ ]Spat in someone's face
[X]Been in a mosh pit
[X]Met anyone famous
[X]Met a millionaire
[X]Been on stage
[X]Done any drugs
[X]Been in love
[X]Been close to love
[X]Swore at your parents
[X]Cried to get out of trouble
[X]Cried over a boy
[X]Cried over a girl((yeah my friends))
[X]Snuck out of your house at night
[ ]Gotten stitches
[X]Bitten someone
[X]Burped in someones face
[X]Skipped school
[X]Cheated on an exam
[ ]Been to a fortune teller
EARthlb 7 6: Guess what lipstick im wearing! ^__^
ButxNeverxWrong: !?
ButxNeverxWrong: lol