As I'm sure everyone already knows, the Underneath are currently performing in America under the Rockstar Taste of Chaos Tour. Since this seems to be the easiest way of organizing things, I'll be posting an entry like this one every three (or so) shows. You can link to your live reports in the comments to the entry corresponding with the date of the show you attended.
Hopefully, it won't clog anyone's friends lists. ^^;
Live Reports
-Post your live report in the form of a link in a comment to one of these posts. Or, if it's small enough, you can just post the actual report in a comment. DO NOT post it in the main community. I will delete it with no warning.
-Only post a live report for the dates listed for that particular entry. As in, don't post a live report for the 3/14 show here.
-At the end of the tour, I will make a post listing all of these entries for easy finding.
-Don't post photos in the comments themselves. Save them for the actual live report.
-Fair warning: If you weren't supposed to take pictures at the show/event (aka they weren't allowed), well.. there's really nothing I can do, but don't tell me that they weren't supposed to be taken. I might delete your link.
-Don't be a stalker. Seriously. If you see any of the bands out in public, great... but give them their privacy. They are not going to feel like being followed around and harrassed for pictures or autographs or whatever.
-I'll allow picture posts into the actual community itself for now, but if they get to be too many I may change this. The same rules as above apply for these posts, too.
Taste of Chaos in general
-Posts about meetups, questions about the shows or venues, etc. are perfectly fine in the community. Though you may want to check on the offical ToC website ( first to look for an answer.
All rules are subject to change or deletion. If you have any questions, feel free to comment and I'll answer as soon as possible.