Title: La Berceuse d'Erreur
Author: Me...Erynn
Rating: PG-ish
Fandom: Simple Plan/The Used/The Ataris
Pairing: David/Bert David/Kris
Summary: The mistake lullabye.
Notes: Includes pictures that inspired the story.
DISCLAIMER: Don't know, don't own. Complete fiction. Song by Pedro The Lion: "Lullaby".
We were lying in his bunk and the air conditioner on the bus had broken. The rest of his band had left to join different busses where they wouldn’t be dying of heat
Quinn was on Rancid’s bus. Jeph was on Story of the Year’s bus. Branden was on my bus. Bert was on his own bus…with me. And it all worked out so perfectly. Neither of us really cared too much about the heat. It was hard to find time to be together, especially when the only time anyone ever had alone on the Warped Tour was lying in a bunk, which even then wasn’t very alone.
No one in my band really knew how close Bert and I really were. Chuck probably knew, but chose not to acknowledge it. Pierre just believed Bert and I were friends. He always knew that I wanted to be in a band that rocked just a little harder, he probably figured that was why I always clung to Bert’s side.
In the hours before he or I went to the stages, we’d sit around and talk. I’d go on his bus and we’d mess around with make-up. We gave each other bloodshot eyes with pink eyeliner. I drew pink lines from his lips and it looked like he had been eating rotting corpses.
That night it was hot and we were driving all the way from Philadelphia to Charlotte, where it would only get hotter. His arms were draped around my waist and we were all alone on the bus, except for the driver. It was really quiet and neither of us was saying anything. We might have been the only two people left in the world that hot night. Just he and I, and everything was okay in that one moment. It was just Bert and David.
Earlier that day, Bert let me jump around on stage with him and sing with him and at the end he hugged me, like, really hugged me. And it was in front of thousands of people. What no one saw was that at the end of the song, when we were hugging, he kissed me. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to me."
And as good as it felt to have his lips on mine and thousands of eyes on us, I felt like I was going to be sick. In the back of my mind I knew what happened earlier that day, I caused what happened earlier that day, and I never Bert about it.
I had been bus jumping for awhile to avoid awkward moments with Chuck. I didn’t want to bother Bert for the next month and a half that was left of the tour, even though he said I wouldn’t bother him, so I bothered other people for a night or two.
After crashing with a couple different bands, I jumped on the Ataris bus. Kris Roe and I were friends from a few Warped Tours ago and he didn’t care if I crashed in a spare bunk. When the rest of the band went to sleep that night, Kris and I stayed up watching Reservoir Dogs and talking. Eventually one thing led to another and we kissed and I cheated on my boyfriend without a single regret, until the next day when Bert showed me how much he cared.
“Did you have fun today on stage?” He asked, breaking our silence.
I looked at him and he smiled softly. “Yeah, Bert, it, um, it really meant a lot to me. You know, what you did today. That really meant a lot today.” I wasn’t sure of what I was saying. I wasn’t sure of what was coming out of my mouth. I was a babbling moron.
Bert pushed my fallen faux-hawk from my eyes. “There’s this song by Pedro the Lion…”
I couldn’t live another moment without him knowing how badly I betrayed him. I gently put my hand to his lips and sighed. “I need to talk to you.”
“Go ahead. I’m here.”
He made me melt and I didn’t want to tell him because I didn’t want to loose him. “I did something horrible, and I’m really sorry, Bert.” I said in one breath. My words collided and I was surprised that he didn’t ask for clarification, because even I didn’t understand the jumble that I just said.
“Just tell me.” His words were perfect, so unlike mine.
“Comment suis-je supposé pour dire ceci?” I mumbled. He knew a little French, but not enough to understand me. I felt like shit and immediately considered telling him in French just so it’d take him longer to understand and longer to start hating me.
He looked at me from behind his eyelashes. “David, just tell me.”
I took a deep breath. “I kissed Kris.”
He nodded and repositioned his arm so that his hand was on my side. He made me feel small and fragile because his finger tips reached my back and his thumb was on my ribs. “I’m sorry, Bert. I’m so sorry.” I whispered and he pulled me close to him.
“Hey, hey, now.” He whispered in my ear, trying to soothe me. “It’s alright.”
I pulled back and looked at him, shocked. “It’s alright?”
“Well, kind of.”
I looked at him and begged for him to go on.
“Kris told me this morning.”
“And you’re not mad?”
“No, not really. I would be if you hadn’t told me.”
I stepped out of the bunk. “Why aren’t you mad?” I yelled.
He swung his feet over the side and grabbed my hips, making me feel small again. “Because I think you know what you did and you don’t need me yelling at you.”
Bert pulled me into his lap and I put my arms around his neck. “I feel horrible.”
“I know.” He kissed me on the cheek and nuzzled his face into my neck. We crawled back into the bunk and I laid on his chest. “There’s this song by Pedro the Lion called ‘Lullaby’."
“What about it?”
He reached for his headphone and slipped them over my ears. “Listen.” He mouthed to me as he skipped to the part he wanted me to hear.
"But it does not matter to me although it seems like it should.
It's because I know I'm understood when I hear him say
'Rest in me, little David and dry all your tears, you can lay down your armor and have no fear cause I'm always here when your tired of running, cause I'm all the strength that you need.'"
Pictures that inspired the story:
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