Title: You Had to Sneak into my Room
Author: Me...E*A
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: The Smiths/Good Charlotte
Pairing: Morrissey/Joel Madden
Summary: Joel meets his idol.
WARNING: Graphic.
Disclaimer: This is completely fake...completely. Face it: it's just too good to be true. But anyway...it's fake like Santa...sorry to burst your proverbial bubble.
Joel didn’t know what to think. He was left alone in a room with his favorite musician in the whole world. It was a once in a lifetime moment he was experiencing! He just didn’t know how to even deal with it.
“You said you were signed. Are you solo or do you have a band?” Morrissey asked as he walked closer towards Joel.
“I’m in a band, Good Charlotte. We’re working on our third album right now. I was just taking a break when I ran into Vern in the hallway.”
“Talk about luck,” he chuckled. The sound sent shivers up Joel’s spine and he felt like he was in the presence of something absolutely breathtakingly miraculous. “I could give you a few pointers if you’d like.”
Joel’s deep brown eyes lit up. “That would be amazing.”
“Well, you have to really sing from your stomach, like this.” Morrissey sang a quick, and perfect, verse of “Suedehead” directly at Joel. “Sing it back. From your stomach this time. When you did it, you went from the top of your lungs and that won’t hold out long.”
“Why do you come here…” Joel started. Morrissey shook his head and Joel stopped mid verse. “I’m guessing that wasn’t from my stomach?”
He drew his hands down his cheeks and shook his head with a faint smile playing gently across his lips. “Not really, but it was better.” Morrissey walked around to the back of Joel and put his hands flat on the young singer’s stomach. “Take a deep breath,” he whispered into Joel’s ear. “When I tell you to sing, sing. Okay?” He nodded slowly against Morrissey’s chest. “Sing.”
“Why do you come here…” Joel started and felt the man’s hands press down firmly on his stomach. His voice got a little louder as the air flowing through his vocal chords increased. He was amazed after he learned how to control his new found vocal technique. He was even more amazed at the wonderful feeling he felt where Morrissey’s hand rested on his t-shirt.
Joel stopped after the verse. “Wow,” he mused. Morrissey turned him around and deep blue eyes met melting brown eyes.
“Your voice really is amazing.” The owner of the blue eyes set a strong hand on the baby-face cheek of the owner of the brown eyes. “You are really something else.”
Joel’s head and stomach did back flips and for a moment he didn’t even know which way was up. The world was spinning out of control and he felt like at any moment it was just going to spin him out of it and he’d wake up lonely in the studio, it would all be a dream.
But his world didn’t spin him off of it and what he was living through was not a dream, it was very real.
The boy searched for the voice he had controlled only a second ago only to find that it had completely disappeared along with words to express his gratitude to the man that had just deemed him ‘amazing’, a word Joel had used so many times to describe his idol.
His mouth moved wordlessly for a moment before Morrissey slowly closed the gap between the two men with a perfect light kiss on the lips. Joel felt a spark rush through his body and encase his heart in something he could only describe as a painfully comfortable shock, like some sort of musical EMTs had just brought him back from a bad heart attack.
Joel felt something sexual and loving in the kiss which shocked him. Morrissey had long maintained that he was celibate and even once said that at his age he felt that there was nothing that would make him jump off a building to catch. A bit of sadness flushed out some off the adrenaline flowing in his veins. He wanted the older man to feel the same, he wanted the Pope of Mope to have a tinge of happiness.
Morrissey’s blue eyes widened and slowly narrowed again. He stepped back and took a deep breath. “It’s been awhile since I’ve done that,” he announced. Joel stepped forward and kissed the older man with more passion. Morrissey was a bit frozen and reluctant to the touch of Joel’s lips, but soon gave into the young man and returned the kiss with equal passion.
After a few minutes, but what felt like seconds, the singers lips parted in need of air. They looked at each other with questioning gazes, wondering what next.
Joel’s knees were weak and he felt like they would give out on him at any moment. He stumbled back and leaned against a stool by the music stand where the ‘Suedehead’ lyrics sat.
Morrissey crossed one arm across his chest and put a hand on his cheek and paced back and forth for a moment, considering what had just happened. He couldn’t believe that he had done such a thing, not that he thought of the kiss as a dirty deed, but he just couldn’t believe that in his near 45 years on the planet something, someone, made him feel so strongly in a moment.
The blue-eyed man stopped his feet with his back facing Joel. Slowly he turned around and looked at the dark haired singer. The young man was sort of sitting, sort of standing, against the stool, ankles crossed, and looking at the ground to gain his composure.
Morrissey walked slowly to Joel and put his feet on either side of the singer’s cross ankles. Joel looked up unhurriedly from the ground and starred at the older man. Weathered hands were placed on the young singer’s pale cheeks and force was applied to tip his head to an angle where Morrissey could look directly down into Joel’s brown eyes as he moved his feet so that he was nearly straddling Joel’s waist. What he was about to do was something Morrissey truly hadn’t done in quite sometime, but Joel just invoked some kind of passion in him.
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[[more on the way soon.]