Some pics of my last year in England

Jul 16, 2005 12:42

Heres some pics of my past year in England, enjoy!


Me and Sam <3              Ash and Pri*

Me and Ash*                 Kt, Ash, Me*

Amanda, Ash*               Amanda, Portia*

Sara, Ash*                     Me, Sara*

Amanda and Milan*        Portia with a wig*

The Group**                 Yearbook signing*

Steph, Pri, Kt*               Calvin and Steph <3

Ash Kt*                          Chris Pri*

Pri, Me, P, Ash*            Ash, Me, P, Amanda*

**************Me and Ash**************

Talking*                         P and Me*

Ash and Portia*              Ash Chris*

Tomas, Steph, David*     Kt and David <3

Me and Stef*                  Me and Kt*

Tomas and Davey*         My sign to Ash!**

Me, Ash, Shelley*          Amanda and Ash*

Nick, Josh, Ash*            Entrance to school*

Front*                            Gym*

Nina and AM*               Eloise and Me*

Ash, Me, Sara*              Me, Sara*

Sara and Ash*               Ash and Portia crying.....

And thats pretty much my schoolyear in a nutshell!
Im gonna miss it so much. I already do.

Much Love xx
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