I'm taking a leave of absence from Ergheiz for an approximate five or six months. I originally wasn't going to do this until next month, however, there are certain things I need to take care of first and foremost in my life.
Feel free to remove me from class rosters and map and housing as needed.
When I do return, I will inform you before actually attending. All items outside of necessary ones will be left here at the institute.
Questions or comments may be directed to me.
[To all necessary personnel]
Those wishing to get in contact with me may ask Tseng for my personal information.
He is, although, not required to take messages or anything of the sort.
Do not harass him.
My apologies for those who had wanted to meet with me.
I am aware that Professor Hojo has offered Vincent's remains for us.
My thanks to Reeve for taking care of that.
Aerith, there is someone here who you should see. I think you will be very, very happy.
Cloud, I would have liked to speak with you more, but I have to make do, don't I?
Rufus, sorry for picking up so soon. I have something I need to take care of.
Zack, thanks again. I really, really needed that. All of it.
Hojo, I'll return to work as soon as things on this end are taken care of.
And to the rest of you, whether I called you by name or not, I didn't forget about you. [i.e., the Turks]