Title: Life As We Knew It
Pairing: Hankyung-centric
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own 'em
Summary: Crack. You see, coz this is totally the real reason for the lawsuit.
So five of them had faded and everybody else was in a state of constant melancholic unease, and thus there spread a pall over the entire Super Junior. )
Comments 6
This was some sort of attack. . .I was not expecting this to be so hilarious!
I'm dying~
Six months later, when South Korea declared war on America and China ate Japan and it was World War III plus the apocalypse, Kyuhyun broke down at Leeteuk's deathbed and pointed to Sungmin. "He did it," Kyuhyun said.
awww it's all my precious sungmin's fault haha
thanks bby for making my day
I loved it, especially Kyu growing mushrooms in his little corner. XD
"I DON'T UNDERSTAND. SHE MAKE NOISE, FELL DOWN." Hankyung shouted, flailing some more. "I CHINESE. NO SPEAK KOREAN GOOD," he added as an afterthought. lol, Hankyung, you never fail to amuse me with your "No Speak Korean' act. ^^
This was awesome~♥
..............Seems like a plausible reason. Lol. It's Super Junior. Donghae's aliens could have taken them over. *Shrugs*
and it's all Sungmin's fault hahaha
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