Aug 02, 2003 02:38
come over and show me how to put pictures onto my livejournal...and don't give me a post trying to explain it. i can read, i don't need you to write it when i can get all that from the help section on this site you idiot, come SHOW me!
May 21, 2003 07:19
You should come to my dance performance! it's going on only two more nights...tonight and tomorrow night 7pm, at my school:
2425 Dusk Dr
San Diego, CA
tickets are $4-6 depending on where you sit and your age blah blah blah. Please come!
Apr 14, 2003 21:25
Tomorrow's my birthday, everybody should go to the celebration. It's a going away party too for Steph. It's on fiesta island same place as Michelle's party. If you didn't go, just circle around the rings till you find a bunch of weird looking kids. YOU BETTER COME!